EMF: Shockwave

("Blue" blasts on the PA system as Bluetista walks to the ring. He yells "I like blue" as blue fireworks blasts behind him. He steps inside of the ring.)

Kris Gaffney-This is..just odd.

King-Wait until the next night, he'll go out waving like a Queen.

("Hell to Pay" blasts on the PA system as Syn walks to the ring. He steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This man is known as the Synful One.

King-Guess we'll see if he can live up to the billing.


[Bluetista and Syn pace around the ring. Bluetista hits a hard fist that knocks down Syn. Syn gets up to his feet, and Bluetista picks up Syn. But Syn is able to slide out of the back, and then he turns around, and then he hits a running ezuguri that connects to the side of the head, and then this dazes Bluetista, and then Syn hits a kick to the gut, and then he lifts him up, and drops him for a brain buster. He goes into the cover, the ref counts the 1............2...........KICK OUT by Bluetista.]

JR-He's going to need more than that.

King-I think he knows this.

Kris Gaffney-Or else Bluetista wouldn't kicked out.

[Syn measures up on Bluetista. Bluetista gets up to his feet, and Syn runs to the ropes. He hits a spinebuster on Syn.]

JR-Syn got caught by Bluetista.

King-He must have said something about his ring gear.

[Bluestista picks up Syn, and lifts him up for the Blue Bomb. But it's countered with a hurricanarana that sends Bluetista to the turnbuckle. Bluetista hits his head. He stumbles right into Syn who sets up Bluetista, and he nails the Synfall. Syn goes into the cover on Bluetista. The ref counts the 1................2.............3!]

JR-Syn wins this match!

(The EMF Logo flashes on the screen, we go into the Shockwave video.)

(We go into the darken arena. Pyrotechnics blasts on the stage lighting up with every firework that hits the stage. The lights turn on, fans yell, and wave their signs. Some signs say "That's some logic", "ViperJ accused me", and "even Cyrus doesn't know if he's great or not.")

JR-Welcome everyone to Saturday Shockwave. We are here in Boston. I'm good ol' JR, Jim Ross along side Jerry "the King" Lawler, and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-Tonight in the main event, we will see if Cyrus Black is great or not as he'll take on Mike New, and Zack Ryder.

Kris Gaffney-Spoiler! He's not!

("Say it to my face" blasts on the PA system as Alex Riley walks on the stage yelling. He steps inside of the ring.)

Ashley Irvine-Ouch! Meh ears!

JR- Well, despite the fact that Alex Riley is loud, he is good.

Kris Gaffney-Now he's looking to get bcak on track.

("Gotham's theme" blasts on the PA system as Gotham O'Rien walks to the ring. He steps inside of the ring.)

King-Here comes Cameron Hale's future opponent.

Kris Gaffney-Can't blame him for making a Batman reference though.

[Alex Riley and Gotham O'Rien go face to face. The two talk trash. Alex Riley hits a slap to the face that effects Gotham for a few moments, and then he takes a wild swing at Alex Riley. Riley is able to duck under, and he hits a few knife edge chops to the chest that makes Gotham O'Rein back up into the ropes, but Gotham is able to counter this with a knee lift into the gut that doubles over Alex Riley. Gotham O'Rein runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. Alex RIley hits a standing drop kick that puts down Gotham O'Rein. He is stunned, and he rolls out of the ring. Alex Riley takes a few moments to measures up on Gotham O'Rein who gets up on the outside with the help of the ring apron. Alex Riley measures up, he charges to the ropes, he comes off of the ropes. He hits a baseball side that sends Gotham O'Rein back down on the mat, and then Alex Riley slides out of the ring, and then he grabs Gotham O'Rein by the hair, and then he brings him over to the barricade, and then he throws him hard into the barricade. Gotham O'Rein smack right into the barricade. Alex Riley takes a few moments to pump up the crowd, and then he waits for Gotham O'Rein to get up to his feet. Once he gets up to his feet, and then Alex Riley picks up Gotham O'Rein, and then he smashes him into the ring post. THen he grabs Gotham, and he throws him into the ring. Alex Riley throws him into the ring. Alex Riley climbs up to the apron. But Gotham was ready for him, and he charges at Gotham O'Rein, and then he hits a shoulder block into the gut, and then that makes him back up. Gotham O'Rien is stunned. Alex Riley sling shots himself up to the second rope, and he hits a flying clothesline that connects on Gotham O'Rein.]

JR-Alex Riley so far has controlled this match.

King-Things are not right in Gotham.

Kris Gaffney-Had to say that, didn't you...

[Alex Riley calls for his finisher. Gotham O'Rein is slow to get up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet. Alex Riley hits a kick to the gut, but it's blocked by Gotham, Gotham is able to get under Alex Riley, and he hits a northen lights suplex that sends him flying across the ring. Gotham slowly gets up to hsi feet. Alex Riley is up, and doesn't seem happy, he charges at Gotham O'Rein. Gothan is able to side step Alex Riley, throws him into the ropes. Alex Riley bounces off of the ropes, and then Gotham O'Rein hits a spinning double A spine buster, and he rolls into the pin from there. The ref counts the 1.............2...........KICK OUT by Alex Riley.]

JR-Almost three there.

King-Well...this match turned around, guess it's always darkest before the dawn.

[Gotham O'Rein picks up Alex Riley, Riley counters with a kick to the gut, he sets him up, and he drops him for the Hit the showers. Alex Riley goes into the cover on Gotham O'Rein, the ref counts the 1...............2................3!]

JR-Alex Riley catches Gotham off guard, and wins this match.

("Generic Theme" plays as Miss Jackie comes out, once again wearing a robe. There is a pool of some kind of pudding set up at ring side.)

JR: Tiffany continues to try and degrade Jackie at any chance.

King: At least last week, there was a chance she could have avoided getting wet.

Kris: The stipulations seem to be getting worse....

("Celtic Invasion" blasts on the PA system as Becky Lynch runs out on the stage, she does a pose as smoke comes from the stage. For some reason smoke was also exactly where Becky was standing, and it surrounds Becky. We don't see her for a while, then Edge walks from the smoke. He stands there for a moment, then Becky walks behind him. Edge look paniced, and yells "I want to live in the smoke" as he dives back into the smoke.)

JR-That was...interesting.

(The bell sounds and Miss Jackie and Becky Lynch are told to climb into the pool, having removed their gowns to reveal their bra and panties. They step into the pool and Jackie throws a right hand at Becky. She backs her up and Jackie grabs her and nails a suplex. Becky stumbles up slipping a bit in the pudding and Jackie goes for another but Becky throws some of the pudding into Jackie's face. Jackie is blinded for a moment and Becky hits a big missile dropkick taking Jackie down. Becky jumps into the air and is able to land a leg drop on Jackie. She hooks the leg for 1..... 2..... KICK OUT by Jackie.)

JR: I think the pudding is changing the complection of this match...

King: Becky couldn't get much height on that leg drop.

Kris: Well leg drops aren't normally effective anyway.... ask Jackie....

(Becky picks Jackie up and goes for an Exploder Suplex, but Jackie lands on her feet. Jackie takes Becky down with a neckbreaker. She waits for Becky to stumble up and then hits a snapmere and follows it up with a Dropkick to the face. She dives into a cover on Becky for 1..... 2..... kick out. Becky climbs back to her feet but slips as she does. Jackie hoists her up looking for the F-Off, but Becky had grabbed a handful of the pudding and throws it in Jackie's face again. Jackie drops Becky and stumbles back. Becky rolls Jackie up for 1....... 2....... kick out. Becky looks annoyed. She turns round right into a big right hand from Jackie who had sprung up quicker than she thought. Jackie scoops Becky up and this time nails the F-Off. Jackie covers Becky for 1..... 2..... 3!)

JR: Well that wasn't very long....

King: These matches never are.... unfortunately.

Kris: They need to have a 60 minute Iron Woman rematch!!

(Jackie grabs a robe and heads to the back as quickly as she can, still not looking happy about the situation.)

("Mechanical Rhythm" blasts on the PA system as Fredrick Tomas walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Tonight Matty Ice might be getting the first actual test of his young EMF career.

King-What are you talking about JR? Mr. No Show was dangerous.

Kris Gaffney-And even he feared Matty Ice.

("Holy Driver" blasts on the PA system as Matty Ice walks to the ring. He doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk this time. He holds up the IWC Championship to the face of Fredrick Tomas.)

King-See JR...he's a fighting champion, and he's 5-0!

JR-I've told you not to encourage him...but it's too late.

Kris Gaffney-Just as long as you don't say he's not scared.

[The bell rings, Fredrick and Matty Ice lock up. Matty Ice back up Fredrick Tomas, and the two fall out of the ring. The two fight for position, and then Matty Ice is able to pick up Fredrick TOmas. Fredrick Tomas slides out of the back. Fredrick Tomas pushes Matty Ice into the ring post. Matty Ice blocks it, Fredrick Tomas charges, and he hits a back elbow to the jaw. Matty Ice rolls into hte ring, and Fredrick Tomas holds his face. But he looks more angry than hurt, he circles the ring. He looks ready, but suddenly the ref called for the bell.]

JR-What was that all about?

King-Seemly Matty got into Fredrick's mind so much, he lost count.

Kris Gaffney-Or did he?

(Fredrick leaves the ring side area, and Matty Ice doesn't look happy, and he follows him.)

("Where is my mind" blasts on the PA system as Tyler Durden walks out on the stage with the TV title. He steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Last week Tyler Durden was able to regain the TV championship.

Kris Gaffney-Project Mayhem continues.

King-He plans on bringing weapons to this match, well...I guess as long as he can get away with it.

("Seek and destroy" blasts on the PA sysem as Cameron Hale walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Cameron Hale is in line for a contendership match here soon.

King-What title, we don't know.

Kris Gaffney-This might be decided tonight.

[Tyler Durden and Cameron Hale pace around the ring. They lock up, Tyler Durden is able to put him into an arm bar. He hits a few elbows into the of Durden. He counters with a fireman carry. Cameron Hale charges at Tyler Durden, but it's countered with an arm drag release that sends him flying. He crashes down on the mat. He gets up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet, he hits an inverted atomic drop. This sends him stumbling backwards, Tyler Durden hits a hard fist that knocks him down on the mat. He slowly gets up to his feet, and Tyler Durden hits a few forearm shots to the face that makes him back up into the ropes, and then he tries to whip hijm to the ropes. He tries to whip Cameron Hale to the ropes, but Hale is able to reverse the whip. He lowers his head, and then Tyler Durden is able to counter with a kick to the face. Cameron Hale stumbles around holding his face. Tyler Durden picks up Cameron Hale, and he drops him with a whiplash spine buster that plants him down on the mat. Tyler Durden falls into the ropes, and then he watches Cameron Hale gets up on the other side of the ring with the help of the ropes. Then he plots his next move, and then he charges at Cameron Hale. Hale is able to counter with a back body drop, and Tyler Durden lands on the apron instead. Tyler Durden hits a hang man that makes Hale stumble backwards away from him, and then he sling shots up to the top rope. But as Tyler Durden leaps off of the top rope for some sort of move, Cameron Hale is able to counter with a super kick.]

JR-Tyler Durden took a chance, and it didn't pay off.

King-Unless his plan wasn't to jump into a super kick getting owned.

Kris Gaffney-That is is if getting owned wasn't his plan.

[Tyler Durden holds his chin, and Cameron Hale who has been taken quite a few moves thus far. He falls back on the ropes, and he goes into the corner opposite of Tyler Durden. Durden finally gets up he charges, and he goes for a splash in the corner. Cameron Hale moves out of the way. Cameron Hale goes back into the corner, and then Tyler Durden charges again, but it's countered with a boot to the face. Cameron Hale climbs up to the second rope, he waits as Tyler Durden stumbles around, an dthen he hooks Tyler Durden, and he drives him down with a tornado DDT that plants him down on the mat. Cameron Hale crawls into the cover on Tyler Durden, and then he hooks the leg, the ref counts the 1.....................2................KICK OUT by Tyler Durden. Cameron Hale takes a few moments to rest up, and then he gets up to his feet, and he hits a few fists to the face. Tyler Durden falls on to the ropes, and then Cameron Hale tries to whip Tyler Durden to the ropes. But it's reversed by Tyler Durden. Cameron Hale bounces off of the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes with a running shoulder block that puts down Tyler Durden. Durden goes down on the mat, and slowly he gets up to his feet, and he picks up Tyler Durden, and he hits a body slam on Tyler Durden. He backs up into the corner, and he runs out of the corner, and he drops a knee drops across the face of Tyler Durden. Durden is in a seated position. He runs into the ropes, he comes off of the ropes, and he hits a low drop kick to put him the rest of the way down on the mat.]

JR-Cameron Hale is taking it to the TV champion

King-Durden probably didn't think that it would be difficult.

Kris Gaffney-He's Batman!

[Tyler Durden rolls into the corner, Cameron Hale hits a few fists to the face that makes him stunned, and he tries to whip him to the ropes. But Durden reverses it. Cameron Hale stops, and Tyler Durden is about to smash the ref. But he stops himself. But Hale hits a drop kick which does smash the ref into the corner. Cameron Hale yells for Durden to get up to his feet. Cameron Hale gets turne daround by Jack Morely, he grabs picked up, and choked slammed by Morely. Durden didn't see it, and the recovering ref didn't see it. Durden sets up Cameron Hale, and drops him for Projecy Mayham. Durden goes into the cover on Cameron Hale. The ref counts the 1..............2.............3!]

JR-Durden wins, but not with help!

King-Jack Morely was sending a message to the person who will face him to gain the title shot he missed out on last week.

("Cult of Personality" blasts on the PA system as CM Punk walks to the ring, he does his usual poses. He steps inside of the ring.)

JR-CM Punk finally got a championship after a few years of not having one.

King-Better late than never.

Kris Gaffney-Even if he started his reign by losing to Cyrus.

("Slow Chemical" blasts on the PA system Jack Morely walks to the ring, he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Jack Morely is lined up against Cameron Hale.

King-I think Hale is aware

[CM Punk and Jack Morely stand in the ring, and CM Punk hits a few fists to the face of Jack Morely. He locks up with Jack Morely thinking that he might have wore down the bigger man. Jack Morely pushes back CM Punk, and then he puts him into the corner. Jack Morely hits a knee lift into the gut in the corner. Jack Morely hits a big hip toss out of the corner. CM Punk crashes down on the mat. He slowly gets up to his feet, and CM Punk hits a running shoulder block that knocks down CM Punk. He grabs him by the hair, and then he whips him to the ropes, he comes off of the ropes. CM Punk goes for a cross body block, but it's caught by Jack Morely, and then Jack Morely hits a rib breaker.]

JR-Not the best of starts by the Extreme Champion.

King-Well, it's not like he's going against a push over.

Kris Gaffney-Plus Jack Morely's not happy.

[CM Punk gets picked up by Jack Morely, and then he struggles out of the back, and then CM Punk hits a kick to the face of Jack Morely. Morely is dazed, and CM Punk hits a kick to the gut that doulbes over Jack Morely, and then he runs to the ropes, he comes off of the ropes. He hits a swinging neck breaker. Jack Morely rolls into the corner. CM Punk charges, and he hits a knee to the face. He turns around, an dhe hooks Morely, and he drives him down with a running bulldog that plants him down on the mat.]

JR-The Extreme champion has gotten control.

Kris Gaffney-Not quite what Morely wanted.

[CM Punk picks up Morely, and he goes for the GTS, but Morely blocks it by grabbing CM Punk's knee. He puts it down, he grabs CM Punk around the throat, lifts him up, and plants him down with a choke slam! Morely goes into the cover on Punk. The ref counts the 1..............2...........3!]

JR-That back fired on Punk.

King-Tell him something he doesn't know...

("Light a fire" blasts on the PA system as Ashley Massaro walks to the ring. She does a few poses on her way to the ring. She climbs into the ring, and steps on the apron before waiting for her opponent.)

JR-This is the woman who won a battle royal to be known as Ms. Return of an Era.

King-Or in the words of Cyrus Black, the end of an era.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah...the end of not having to deal with his ungreatness. ("Broken up in love" blasts on the PA system as Bray Wyatt walks to the ring doing his normal response.)

JR-Bray is looking to get back on the right track.

King-Could be said about the entire Wyatt Family right now.

("Mechanical Rhythm" blasts on the PA system as Fredrick Tomas walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Not sure why Fredrick did what he did during his first match.

King-He was facing Matty Ice...

Kris Gaffney-He was too intense!

[Fredrick Tomas and Bray Wyatt pace arond the ring. Fredrick Tomas ducks under a clothesline by Bray Wyatt, and then Fredrick Tomas runs ot the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. He hits a flying forearm shot to the face that knocks down Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt gets up to his feet, and then Fredrick Tomas grabs him by his hair, and then he throws him into the corner. Fredrick Tomas hits a few fists to the face, and then he brings him out of the corner, and then he tries to whip him to the ropes, and he is successful in doing so. Bray Wyatt bounces off of the ropes, and then as Bray Wyatt comes off of the ropes. Fredrick Tomas goes for a hip toss, but it's blocked by Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Fredrick Tomas, and then he hooks Bray, and drives him down on th emat with a front russian leg that puts down Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt is slow to get up to his feet holding his head, and then Fredrick Tomas measures up, and then he hits a running ezuguri that connects to the side of the head that puts him down on the mat. Bray Wyatt, and then Fredrick Tomas picks up Bray Wyatt, and then he runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes, and then he hits a one handed face crusher on Bray. Fredrick Tomas hits a few stomps that puts him on the back. Bray Wyatt is set up to where Fredrick wants him.]

JR-Fredrick Tomas has him set up.

King-Yeah, but does he have a good idea?

Kris Gaffney-Guess we will see.

[Fredrick Tomas runs to the ropes, he comes off of the ropes, and then he goes for a splash, but it's moved otu of the way. Fredrick Tomas crashes hard into the mat, and then Bray Wyatt runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes, and he hits a flying double forearm to the face of Fredrick Tomas. Fredrick TOmas gets up to his feet, and Bray Wyatt picks up Fredrick Tomas, and then he drops him down with a body slam. Bray Wyatt leaps, and he hits a senton splash on Fredrick Tomas. Bray Wyatt goes into the cover on Fredrick Tomas. The ref counts the 1........................2.......................KICK OUT by Fredrick Tomas. Bray Wyatt puts Fredrick Tomas into a chin lock. The ref goes down to make sure that it's not a choke hold. It's not, the ref also makes sure that Fredrick Tomas doesn't want to give up for any reason. Fredrick says no as he's not been beaten down enough.]

JR-Not likely to get a submission.

King-But that's not the point, he's wearing him down JR!

Kris Gaffney-Exactly what I think of when I think of evil person.

[Bray Wyatt hits a clubbing blow to the face, and then he picks him up, and he tries to go for a power slam. But it's countered by Fredrick Tomas pushing Bray into the ref. The ref is down on the mat. Matty Ice slides into the ring, he gets ready to hit Fredrick Tomas. He swings, but Matty Ice missed, and then he hits Bray Wyatt instead. Fredrick throws Matty Ice out of the ring. Fredrick goes into the cover on Bray Wyatt as the ref comes around, the ref counts the 1..............2..........3!]

JR-Fredrick Tomas wins this match!

King-With an assist.

("That's entertainment" blasts on the PA system as Logan "Showtime" Riley walks into the ring. He steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Logan Riley seems like he's not going to let his previous loses get to him.

King-He also doesn't want to play whodunit

Kris Gaffney-Someone stole my lunch....was it you...King?

("nowhereville" blasts on the PA system as ViperJ walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-ViperJ's has been able to bounce recently.

King-He's going to be facing the TV champion here soon, whoever that is.

Kris Gaffney-This is a match of contenders it would seem.

[ViperJ and Logan "Showtime" Riley stand in the middle of the ring. ViperJ is talking trash, and Logan "Showtime" Riley says something that really pisses off ViperJ. But this was what Logan "Showtime" Riley was hoping for, Logan "Showtime" Riley ducks under, and then he hits a few knife edge chops to the chest that stuns ViperJ, but seemly what was said really angery ViperJ. ViperJ hits a knee lift into the gut that doubles over Logan "Showtime" Riley. ViperJ runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. Logan Riley goes for a hip toss that would have set ViperJ down on the mat. But it's blocked, and then he hits a clothesline that knocsk down ViperJ. ViperJ is slow to get up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet. Logan "Showtime" Riley hits a kick to the gut that doubles him over, and then he sets up ViperJ into a power bomb position, he lifts him up for a power bomb, and nails a reverse power bomb. Viper J bounces up on to his knee's, and then he runs to the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and Logan "Showtime" Riley hits a low drop kick that knocks down ViperJ the rest of the way. Logan Riley goes into the cover on ViperJ the ref counts the 1...............2..............KICK OUT by ViperJ. Logan Riley shakes his head, and then he grabs ViperJ's leg, and then he hits a few elbow drops into the leg of Logan Riley, and then he hits a single leg lock. ViperJ yells in pain, the ref asks him if he wants to give it up. He refuses.]

JR-This is an extremely painful move.

King-Pretty sure ViperJ's screaming tells us that.

Kris Gaffney-I would say JR's just helping the deaf viewers...but yeah, that was a dumb comment.

[ViperJ tries to push Logan "SHowtime" Riley into the mat to try to smash his face on the mat. But Logan Riley lets go of the hold, and then he sets up ViperJ. Logan "Showtime" Riley tries to hook a figure four. But Viper J is able to use his other foot to push Logan Riley. This makes him fly into the ring post. Logan "Showtime" Riley strikes the ring post shoulder first, he's in a lot of pain as the camera zooms in on him. Logan "Showtime" Riley pulls himself out of the corner, and then he gets up to his feet. ViperJ charges, leaps, and he hits a big splash in the corner, ViperJ holds Logan Riley in place, and then he climbs up, and he goes for a 10 punch combo. 1.............2.............3.............4............5...........Logan "SHowtime" RIley hooks ViperJ, and he walks out trying to do another version of the power bomb, but it's countered by VIperJ who hits a hurricanarana that sends Logan Riley flying. He crashes down on the mat. He gets up a bit dazed. ViperJ measures up as Logan "SHowtime" Riley stumbles towards him, and then he picks him up on his shoulders. He holds him for a few moments, and he drops Logan "Showtime" Riley with a gut buster. ViperJ pushes Logan "Showtime" Riley on his back, and he goes into the cover on Logan RIley. The ref counts the 1......................2..............KICK OUT by Logan Riley. Viper J gets up, and he hits a few stomps on the downed Logan "Showtime" Riley. The ref makes him back up, and then he does this. He allows him to get up. Logan "Showtime" Riley gets up. Viper J picks up Logan "Showtime" Riley, and he drops him for a slam. ViperJ looks towards the nearest corner, and starts to head towards it.]

JR-ViperJ looking to take a chance.

King-If anyone is under estimated him now, he's not doing it now.

[Viper J goes to the outside of the ring, and he climbs up to the top rope, and he goes for a splash. But Logan Riley is able to get his boots up. ViperJ is on his hands and knee's. Logan Riley goes for an Oklahoma Roll. But as Logan Riley is executing it, "Rise again" blasts on the PA system. ViperJ reverses it putting Logan Riley into the pinning combination. The ref counts the 1.................2................3!]

JR-Riley tried a pinning combination, but Viper J reversed it!

("Let's Light It Up" plays over the PA System as AJ skips out onto the ramp. Maria Kanellis comes out with her.)

JR: These two tried to steal the Women's Championship last week.

King: One of them will get another shot at it soon.

Kris: Bur crucially, not in a Triple Threat.

("Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Miley Cyrus plays next and out comes Laura Cena onto the ramp. She has the Women's Title around her waist and Catherine Walker with her.)

JR: Laura has taken a huge risk tonight, agreeing to team up with this Unknown Diva.

King: People wearing masks or hoods never ends up well.....

Kris: For all Laura knows, this person may not even have any wrestling skills.

(As the 3 of them await the hooded Diva, the lights go out. When they come back on, the hooded Diva is already on the ring apron. She has in her hands a Doll of AJ Lee and one of Maria. Suddenly Paige comes down the ramp, and the Hooded Diva hands the dolls over to Paige. Paige smirks at Maria and AJ.)

JR: I guess whoever she is... she's the real brains behind the Doll House, and those creepy dolls.

King: That gives her a hell of an advantage...

Kris: Only if you believe in them.

(Laura is starting out for her team and so too is AJ Lee. AJ charges at Laura but Laura ducks her clothesline attempt and then as AJ turns Laura hammers away with hard right hands. She backs AJ up a little and then irish whips AJ across the ring. AJ bounces off the ropes and comes back at Laura and Laura hits her with a SPEAR! Laura drops into a quick cover for 1..... 2..... kick out! Laura gets back to her feet and waits for AJ to stumble up. AJ rakes the eyes of Laura and then hits a kick to the midsection and a quick suplex. AJ looks up and sees Paige is playing with the AJ doll. AJ gets angry and slides out of the ring. She goes to give chase to Paige but the hooded Diva jumps off the apron and takes her down with a double axe handle. She then throws AJ back into the ring where Laura is waiting. Laura scoops AJ up looking for the Royally Screwed.... but AJ escapes out of the back and dives over to tag in Maria.)

JR: This new Diva showing she'll do what it takes to get an advantage.

King: AJ shouldn't have been messing around.

Kris: I think she wanted to get the doll.....

(Maria runs over to Laura and the two of them trade blows. Laura tries to whip Maria into the corner but Maria reverses it and sends Laura hard into the turnbuckle, and Laura falls to a seated position. Maria runs at Laura and hits her with a Bronco Buster. Laura stumbles out of the corner and Maria goes for the Beautiful Bulldog. Laura grabs hold of Maria and counters it into a makeshift sidewalk slam. Laura looks unsure as she gets to her feet, but eventually goes over, and makes the tag to the hooded Diva.)

JR: Big risk from the champion.... can she trust her partner?

King: Can her partner wrestle?

Kris: If she can't why would she accept this match?

(The Hooded Diva enters the ring and Maria looks at her a bit unsure. But Maria charges at her and hits a clothesline. She stumbles up and Maria hits a kick to the midsection and then a suplex into a bridge for 1..... kick out. We can see that the hooded diva does have something covering her face under the hood just in case. Maria runs off the ropes and hits a headscissors on the hooded Diva. Maria picks her back up but the Hooded Diva grabs hold of her and and hammers away with some hard shots. She runs off the ropes and hits a neckbreaker on Maria. Maria stumbles up and the Hooded Diva whips her into the ropes and then nails a Spinebuster as she comes back. The Hooded Diva taunts, and then as Maria stumbles up, she grabs her and positions her for a Tombstone Piledriver. She turns to Laura who doesn't look comfortable with her going for this move. She just stares down Laura as she nails the Tombstone on Maria and goes into the cover for 1..... 2...... 3!)

JR: Well we've seen Laura refuse to do that move for fear of injuring an opponent....

King: No such fear from this Diva.

Kris: Poor Maria looks out of it....

(The lights go out again, and when they come back on both the Hooded Diva and Paige have vanished. Laura is actually in the ring checking on Maria and AJ is skipping around waiting for her partner. Trainers run down to check on Maria and help her to the back as we go to commercial.)

("Radio" blasts on the PA system as Zack Ryder walks out with this web camera. He gets footage to be used for his web show as he continues to the ring.)

JR-Zack Ryder is looking for another shot at his championship that he lost.

King-Do we have to call it the Elite championship?

Kris Gaffney-I assume only when Ryder has it.

("Rise again" blasts on the PA system as Mike New walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Mike New is trying to build off his IC title win.

King-Be a good way to do it.

("Hell awaits" blasts on the PA system as Cyrus Black walks to the ring. He slides into the ring.)

Kris Gaffney-You know...Cyrus is right!


Kris Gaffney-There is a conspiracy going on.....he's gotten here by beating a flash in the pan champion, and CM Punk who has Zack Grienke'ed his reign since getting it. What's he doing here? He's clearly the least great in this match.

JR-We all saw that one coming.

[Zack Ryder and Cyrus Black charge at each other. Zack Ryder is getting the advantage, and then Cyrus Black hits a knee lift, and he goes for a head lock take down, but it's blocked, and Zack Ryder slides out of the back. Zack Ryder hooks Cyrus Black, and then he hits a belly to back suplex. Mike New tries to take advantage of this situation, and then Zack Ryder is able to sends him coming, and then he throws Zack Ryder to the ropes, he comes off of the ropes, and Zack Ryder hits a one man flap jack that puts down Mike New down on the mat, and then he slowly gets up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet Zack Ryder measures him up, and he charges, and he hits a clothelsine that sends Mike New over the top rope, and he crashes down hard on the mat. Zack Ryder turns around, and Cyrus Black is charging at him. Zack Ryder hits a hot shot that sends him flying into the top rope. Cyrus Black stumbles towards Zack Ryder, and then Zack Ryder hits a kick to the gut. That doubles him over, and then he sets him up, and Zack Ryder lifts him up, and he drops him for a vertical suplex face buster that puts down Cyrus Black. Zack Ryder pushes him on his back, he goes into the cover on Cyrus Black. The ref counts the 1...................2..............KICK OUT by Cyrus Black!! Zack Ryder plls Cyrus Black up, and then he tries to put him over his shoulder. But Cyrus Black is able to struggle out of the back, and then he turns around. Cyrus Black hits a super kick that makes him fall backwards, and then he stumbles towards him, and then Cyrus Black hits a kick to the gut that doubles over Zack Ryder. Then he hooks him, and he drops him for a snap suplex. Cyrus Black gets up, he leaps in the air, and he comes down on Zack Ryder for a elbow drop. He goes into the cover on Zack Ryder. The ref counts the 1..............2.................KICK OUT by Zack Ryder!!! Cyrus Black looks like he's getting frustrated. Mike New is on the apron, but Cyrus Black hits a fist to knock him back down on the mat. Cyrus Black measures up on Zack Ryder, who gets up to his feet, and he goes for the Black Out, but it's countered with Zack Ryder hitting a few elbows to the side of the head. Cyrus stumbles backwards. Zack charges, and then he hits a front spine buster that plants him down on the mat.[

JR-Cyrus Black didn't hit with his finisher, but he hit with an extremely effective move instead.

King-We'll see if that's enough.

Kris Gaffney-That's like anyone hitting a DDT who haven't mastered it...it's great factor goes down...just think what happens when Cyrus hits any move.

[Cyrus Black goes into the cover, the ref counts the 1...................2..................Mike New dives into the scene, and then he breaks up the cover. Cyrus Black gets up to his feet. Mike New has a chair, and he hits a jab to the gut of Cyrus Black, and then he hits a chair shot to the back of Cyrus Black. Cyrus Black rolls out of the ring. Mike New throws the chair away, and he calls for Zack Ryder to get up to his feet. Mike New hits a kick to the gut, and he sets him up for a gut wrench, and he hits a gut wrench power bomb. Mike New goes into the cover on Zack Ryder, the ref counts teh 1...............2............KICK OUT by Zack Ryder!]

JR-Almost three!

King-If this was a Jack Swagger match, it would be all over.

Kris Gaffney-No it wouldn't...seemly Cyrus is...somewhere...wonder how I could possibly sum this up. *suddenly Kris' cell phone rings with the voice of Cyrus saying "I've not been great!"*

[Mike New goes to the corner, and he measures up on Zack Ryder. But Mike New turns around, he see's that Logan Riley is over by the time keeper desk, and is holding up the IC championship. Mike New turns right into the black out by Cyrus Black on the chair. He throws Zack Ryder out of the ring. Cyrus goes into the cover on Mike New. The ref counts the 1.............2................3!]

JR-Cyrus Black wins.

Kris Gaffney-......excuse me....

(Kris Gaffney jumps on his desk, and he starts to dance.)

King-What...are you doing?

Kris Gaffney-That's it...dance off bro...me and him.

Catherine Walker-O-M-G...dance off...can I join?

(Catherine starts to dance, Kris looks like he's starting to lose, he looks annoyed as he yells "it was suppose to be Me and him. She's a cheerleading princess, it's not fair!" Saturday Shockwave goes off the air.)