EMF: Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen. We open up with the Shockwave)

(The lights are turned off in the arena. But you can still hear the fans through the darkness. Pyrotechnics blasts on the stage. The lights turn on fans yell louder, and wave their signs.)

("Radio" blasts on the PA system. Zack Ryder walks on the stage with his web camera, and aslo the IC championship. He takes web footage all the way down to the ring. He steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Tonight the EMF comes to you live from the home of the Celtics. Welcome to Saturday Shockwave. I'm good ol' JR, Jim Ross along side Jerry "The King" Lawler, and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-Tonight we find out the contenders for the IC, and Extreme title.

Kris Gaffney-We also figure out some possible contenders for the TV title.

JR-Let's get this show started.

JR-We start out the evening with a champion vs. champion match.

King-Let's not forget this match had a lot to do with the tag team tournament.

Kris Gaffney-Wasn't really tournament.

("One true villian" blasts on the PA system. Marty Scurll walks out on the stage, he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Here comes Marty Scurll.

King-He's had quite the few weeks.

Kris Gaffney-Indeed he has.

[Zack Ryder and Marty Scurll start out in the middle of the ring. Marty Scurll talks trash to Zack Ryder. Zack Ryder doesn’t seem to like it. Zack Ryder charges at Marty Scurll, Scurrl is able to counter with a drop toe hold Marty Scurll smiles cocky. He picks up Zack Ryder, and he grabs his hand, and he whips him off of the ropes with an irish whip. He bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and he goes for a hip toss, but it’s countered with Zack Ryder blocking it, and he hits a short arm clothesline that puts him down on the mat. Marty Scurll holds his head as he is getting up to his feet. Zack Ryder tries to press the advantage. Marty Scurll hits a rake to the eyes, Zack Ryder is blinded. Zack Ryder turns right into a super kick by Marty Scurll. Zack Ryder is hurting on the mat. Marty Scurll hits a few stomps on the downed Zack Ryder. The ref makes Marty back off. Zack Ryder is slow to get up to his feet. Marty goes back on the attack, Marty Scurll hooks Zack Ryder, and plants him down into the mat with a side suplex. Marty Scurll goes into the cover on Zack Ryder. The ref goes into position to make the pin, the ref counts 1………2……….KICK OUT by Zack Ryder. Marty Scurll looks at the ref, and decides to attempt to take away Zack Ryder’s legs. He grabs his legs, and he drops the elbow into the leg of Zack Ryder. Ryder is in a lot of pain as each elbow into the leg lands. Marty Scurll drags Zack Ryder over to the bottom rope, and he places his leg on the bottom rope. Marty Scurll uses the bottom rope, jumps off of it, and comes down on Zack Ryder’s leg. Ryder is in a lot of pain. Marty Scurll grabs Ryder’s leg, and he puts it on the bottom rope. He tries to do the same thing, but Zack Ryder is able to counter by pushing off. Marty Scurll goes over the top rope, but he lands on the apron. Marty Scurll climbs up to his feet. Zack Ryder gets up, but Marty Scurll counters with a hang man that makes Ryder stumble backwards.]

JR-Scurll seemed like he was in trouble, but he countered right back.

King-That’s probably why he’s having such a good run thus far.

Kris Gaffney-That..and he loves to cheat.

[Marty Scurll climbs to the top turnbuckle, and he steady’s himself up on the top turnbuckle. But before he can totally steady himself, Zack Ryder runs up to the top rope, and he hooks him, and he takes him down with an arm drag take down from the top rope. Marty Scurll comes crashing down on the mat. Zack Ryder, and Marty Scurll are down on the mat. After a few moments, Zack Ryder, and Marty Scurll rise up to their feet. Marty Scurll goes for a fist to the face, but it’s ducked under by Zack Ryder. Zack Ryder hits a few fists to the face, and this makes Marty Scurll stumble backwards, He tries to whip him to the ropes, but it’s countered by Marty Scurll. Marty Scurll goes for a clothesline, but he ducks under by Zack Ryder, Scurll turns around right into a swinging neck breaker. Zack Ryder takes a few moments to rest up as he watches as Marty Scurll climbs up to his feet. Zack Ryder runs, and he hits a running clothesline in the corner. Marty Scurll stumbles around, and he falls down in the corner. Zack Ryder looks around as the crowd is building up knowing what is coming next. Zack Ryder measures up as he backs up. He puts his fist up, yells WOO! WOO! WOO! Zack Ryder runs towards Marty Scurll, and connects with a boot to the side of the head of Marty Scurll. Scurll almost falls out of the ring after being hit with the Broski boot. Zack Ryder pulls Scurll into the middle of the ring, and he hooks the leg. The ref goes into position to make the count. The ref counts 1………….2………….KICK OUT by Marty Scurll. Zack Ryder shakes his head, he gets up. He starts to measure up as he calls for the rough Ryder. Marty Scurll is having trouble getting up.]

JR-Marty Scurll looks like he's in trouble here.

King-Maybe Ryder wasn't the under dog anyways.

Kris Gaffney-Actually...isn't that his thing anyways?

[Ryder runs at Marty Scurll, he leaps he goes for the Rough Ryder. Marty Scurll counters into a power bomb position. Ryder counters with a hurricanarana into a pin on Marty Scurll. The ref counts 1.........2.......Marty Scurll counters into a stacked pinning combination on Ryder. The ref counts 1...........2.............3!!]

JR-Marty Scurll wins the counter war, and gets the victory.

King-I think it should be half victory...he didn't live up to his nickname!

("I'm the Mountie" blasts on the PA system as the Mountie walks out on the stage. He steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Here comes a man with a long history in this business.

King-Remember when he was in jail?

Kris Gaffney-I'm sure he doesn't want to be reminded of that.

("Smile" blasts on the PA system. Justin Fisher walks out with Nicole on his shoulders who has a fish. Justin Fisher runs around ring side as Nicole smacks everyone at ring side with a fish.)

King-Is that legal?

Kris Gaffney-I guess the Mountie will say no...

[Justin Fisher stand in the ring, he waits for the Mountie. The Mountie paces around the ring. He slides into the ring, and he throws a fist to the face of Justin Fisher. Justin Fisher ducks under, and he runs to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes. The Mountie picks him up, and he drops him for the hip toss that sends down Justin Fisher. The Mountie waits for Justin Fisher, he kicks him in the gut, and he sets him up into a vertical suplex, and he hits a snap suplex that puts him down on the mat. The Mountie gets up to his feet, and he holds out his hands, and yells out that Fisher is a law breaker. The Mountie stomps down on Justin Fisher. The ref gets in the face of the Mountie. The Mountie doesn't seem too happy, but he holds up his hands as Justin Fisher climbs up in the corner. The Mountie closes the gap between him, and Justin Fisher quickly, and he hits a few knee lifts into the gut. He stuns, he hooks his leg, and he brings him out of the corner, and he hits a short arm forearm that sends him down on the mat. He crashes down on the mat. Slowly he gets up to his feet as he slowly gets up to his feet. Once he gets up to his feet. The Mountie hits a few forearm shot to the face that sends him back to the ropes. He grabs the arm of Justin Fisher, he whips him to the ropes, he bounces off of the ropes. The Mountie lowers his head, and he throws him in the air with a back body drop. He sends him flying through the mat with the crash down on the mat. Slowly he is slow to get up to his feet.]

JR-Justin Fisher needs to get going.

King-You think the Mountie liked being questioned?

Kris Gaffney-Of course not...he doesn't break the rules...HE IS THE RULES...I think that's the quote..

[The Mountie seems to want to continue his attack, he grabs him by his hair, and then he whips him off of the ropes, and he goes for another back body drop. But it's countered by Justin Fisher who grabs the Mountie, and he throws him hard down on the mat. The Mountie bounces up holding his face. Justin Fisher kicks the Mountie in the gut, and he sets him up into a double under hook, and he plants down the mountie into a double under hook power bomb into a pinning combination. The ref goes into position to make the count. The ref counts 1...........2.....KICK OUT by the Mountie. The Mountie rolls out of the ring, he calls for a time out. Justin Fisher rolls out of the ring, and he grabs the Mountie by head, and he smashes him on to the steps. His head crashes down on steps. The Mountie goes down to a knee. Justin Fisher grabs the Mountie, and he throws him into the ring. Justin Fisher steps inside of teh ring. Justin Fisher goes to the corner, he pulls himself up to the second rope. He waits for the Mountie to turn around. The Mountie turns around, and Jusitn Fisher leaps off of the second rope, and connects with a cross body block. Justin Fisher once again holds down the Mountie down for the count. The ref counts 1.............2...........KICK OUT by the Mountie.]

JR-How close was that?

King-Had he lost there, he might go insane, and think he's a pirate.

Kris Gaffney-Hey...don't joke...that happened to one of his tag team partners...

[Justin Fisher picks up the Mountie. He hits a few forearm shots to the face that knocks him backwards. He tries to whip the Mountie to the ropes. But it's reversed, the Mountie hits a spinning side slam. The Mountie picks up Justin Fisher, he lifts him up, and drops him with the Kneeling two handed chokeslam! Justin Fisher seems out. The Mountie goes into the cover on Fisher. The ref goes into position to make the count. The ref counts 1.........2..........3!!]

JR-The Mountie gets the victory in his debut match in the EMF.

("You don't know" blast son the pA system. Easy Breezy walks out on the stage with Tifa Lockhart. He steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Easy Breezy come back didn't get off on the right foot last week.

King-I'm sure if he gets a TV title contendership match out of it, he'll forget that.

("Paralyzed" blasts on the PA system, Ben Black walks out on the stage. He steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Ben Black is looking to get on the right track here.

King-Be a good time for it.

("Ultimate Countdown" blasts on the PA system. Daniel Bryan walks out on the stage. He does his Yes chant all the way down to the ring. He enters the ring.)

JR-Out of the three, Daniel Bryan has the most EMF experience.

King-This is a triple threat match, so who knows if that will help anything.

Kris Gaffney-If only if Chris Moxley was here.

[Easy Breezy and Daniel Bryan are on the outside of the ring. Easy Breezy and Daniel Bryan slide into the ring. The bell rings, and Easy Breezy and Daniel Bryan throw fists to the face. Both wrestlers are not moving backwards. Easy breezy ducks under a fist, and he hits a back kick to the gut on Daniel Bryan. Easy Breezy puts Daniel Bryan into a head lock, and Easy Breezy hits a punch to the head. Daniel Bryan falls down on his knee's. Easy Breezy waits for Daniel Bryan to get up to his feet, but by this time Ben Black has decided to join the match, and attempt to attack Easy Breezy from behind. Easy Breezy felt it coming though, and he side steps Ben Black, and he throws him hard into Daniel Bryan. Daniel Bryan stumbles backwards, and he falls to the outside of the ring. Easy Breezy hooks Ben Black into a full nelson, and he sweeps the leg out of Ben Black sending him face first into the mat with a full nelson russian leg sweep.]

JR-Ben Black might be in trouble.

King-That move is gold!

Kris Gaffney-Somehow I assume that's going to be parodyed, wonder how.

Easy Breezy hits a few stomps on the downed Ben Black. Easy Breezy see's that Daniel Bryan is up on the apron. Easy Breezy hits a hard forearm shot to the face that knocks him off of the apron. Easy Breezy turns around, and Ben Black is already up, and he takes Easy Breezy off his feet with a double leg take down, and he aims him towards the corner, and he hits a catapault that sends him flying through the air, and he crashes into the top turnbuckle. Easy Breezy stumbles backwards Ben Black drops Easy Breezy with a reverse neck breaker. Ben Black quickly goes into the cover. The ref goes into position to make the count, the ref counts 1.............2........KICK OUT by Easy Breezy. Ben Black is on his knee's looking at the ref as he expected that count to be a three as everyone does. Easy Breezy gets up on to the apron. He climbs up to his feet. Easy Breezy is up to his feet, Ben Black grabs Easy Breezy's head, and drops him on the mat.]

JR-Ben Black mentioned that he is looking to end his losing streak, he might be well on his way.

King-Or I'm sure he is hoping that's what is going to happen.

Kris Gaffney-I doubt that Daniel Bryan Bryan and Ben Black are going to make it too easy to happen.

[Ben Black see's Daniel Bryan on the apron. He goes over to the ropes, but Daniel Bryan counters with a hang man that stuns Ben Black. Ben Black stumbles backwards. Daniel Bryan goes over to the corner, and he climbs up to the top rope. He waits for Ben Black to get up to his feet. He leaps off of the top rope, and he connects with a missle drop kick that puts down Ben Black. Daniel Bryan see's Easy Breezy attempting to get up to his feet, and he runs towards Easy Breezy. Brya hits a cltohesline that sends Easy Breezy flying over the top rope, and he crashes down on the mat.]

JR-Bryan might be on his way to gaining the win.

King-Even though he has no one in the ring in trouble.

Kris Gaffney-Good to point out.

[Ben Black gets up, and Daniel Bryan drives Ben to the mat, and locks in the No lock. Ben Black is in a lot of pain, and it looks like he might tap. Suddenly Easy Breezy comes from behind, and he drop kicks a chair right into the back of Daniel Bryan's head. Daniel Bryan goes down on the mat. Easy Breezy goes into the cover on Daniel Bryan. The ref counts the 1.........2.........3!!]

JR-Easy Breezy was able to sneak into the chair to connect with the chair shot to get the victory.

As the music kicks in Tommy slides out from the entrance on his knees and takes in the noise of the crowd. He's theatrical at all times, Finn Balor style. When he reaches the ring, he takes his entrance attire off in a dramatic Magic Mike style to reveal his sky blue wrestling pants and boots.

JR-Tommy Skyye is looking to get a rematch with Daryl Prichard.

King-He hasn't gotten over the boat match.

Kris Gaffney-No one has.

two huge rotating blue lights rise from the ground and the sound of sirens blasts from the PA system loudly shocking and scaring everyone in the audience like some kind of major incident is about to happen. Blue and White pyrotechnics explode in one loud detonation and “London’s Calling” by The Clash hits the PA system as Sam Fame walks to the ring.

JR-Here comes the man who faced Prichard at the last Pay Per View, Sam Fame.

King-It didn't work out for him, but I'm sure he is hoping things will change.

Kris Gaffney-Don't know until you try.

[Tommy Skyye and Sam Fame stand in the ring. Sam Fame talks trash, Tommy Skyye fires a hard fist to the face that connects to Sam Fame. Fame doesn't move, he answers with a fist to the face. Sam Fame tries to make sure that Tommy Skyye doesn't get antoher swing, but Tommy Skyye is able to duck under, and Tommy Skyye lifts him up, and he drops him for a belly to back suplex that puts him down on the mat. Sam Fame is in a lot of pain, and he rolls away. He rolls under the ropes, and he falls off of the apron. He crashes down on the mat. Slowly he is getting up on the outside of the ring. Tommy Skyye charges, and he slides out of teh ring. He grabs the head, and turns, and sends him down on the mat around ring side with a swinging neck breaker. Tommy Skyye stands over the downed Sam Fame. Tommy Skyye hits a few stomps on the downed Sam Fame. The ref argues with Tommy Skyye, but Tommy Skyye obviously doesn't have to but he has another plan. He does back up allowing Sam Fame to get up to his feet, and once he does Tommy Skyye puts his shoulder on the stomach of Sam Fame. He runs, and he drives him back first into the barricade. He crashes into the barricade. Sam Fame is in pain. Tommy Skyye brings him over to the steps, running towards them, and he throws him hard into the ring steps. Sam Fame crashes into the ring steps, he turns towards. He hits back first, and he sends him flying into the steel steps. The top of the steps fly's across the steel steps.]

JR-Sam Fame goes hard into the steel.

King-Both these wrestler have had experience in the extreme division, so there isn't experience issue here.

Kris Gaffney-Sam Fame has more recent experience though.

[Sam Fame gets picked up by Tommy Skyye. Tommy Skyye sets him up into power bomb position. Sam Fame blocks his power bomb attempt, and he hits a back body drop that sends him down on the steel steps. Tommy Skyye is in a lot of pain as he smacks the steel steps. He rolls off. Sam Fame goes to the outside of the ring, and he grabs a steel chair. He walks towards where Tommy Skyye, he brings the chair back, and he smacks Tommy Skyye on the head with the chair. Tommy Skyye goes down on the mat around ring side. Sam Fame falls to a knee, and he thinks about his next move. He sets up the chair on the outside of the ring. Sam Fame climbs up to his feet, and he hits a kick to the gut that doubles over Tommy Skyye. Sam Fame hooks Tommy Skyye into a head lock, and he runs out, and drops Tommy Skyye face first into the seat of the chair with a bulldog. Tommy Skyye seems like he might be out cold. But this is not a falls count anywhere match. So Sam Fame has to pull the dead weight of Tommy Skyye, and he throws him into the ring. He rolls him into the ring, and he slides into the ring. Tommy Skyye still seems out. Sam Fame goes into the cover. The ref goes into position to make the count. The ref counts 1..................2.............Tommy Skyye puts his foot on the ropes so the ref stops the count.]

JR-That might have saved Tommy Skyye right there.

King-I guess we will never know for sure.

[Tommy Skyye is slow to get up. Sam Fame measures up. He runs to the ropes, eh comes off of the ropes. Sam Fame goes for a diving clothesline on Tommy Skyye. Tommy Skyye ducks under, and he hooks he hooks Sam Fame, and brings him down with a reverse sit down face buster. Tommy Skyye goes to the corner, he pulls himself up to the second rope. He waits for Sam Fame to get up to his feet. Sam Fame is up to his feet. Tommy Skyye leaps off of the second rope, and connects with the Skyye Line. Sam Fame looks out. Tommy Skyye goes into the cover on Sam Fame. The ref counts 1..........2.......3!!]

JR-It will be Tommy Skyye and Daryl Prichard.

("Violent persuit" blasts on the pA system. Jason Cross walks down to the irng, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Jason Cross is picking up where he left off.

King-But when it comes down to it, will he be able to win the title?

Kris Gaffney-Beating Logan Riley is not going to be easy.

the lights go out. Zero Tolerance begins to play on the PA system. Frankie Everheart 'steps from behind the curtain. He grins at the fans as they send him cheers and boos. He slides under the bottom rope and awaits the bell

JR-Frankie Everhart has had quite a bit of success since coming to the EMF.

King-Other than one match.

Kris Gaffney-Guess he will hope it will translate to a IC title run.

[Jason Cross steps inside of the ring. Frankie Everhart goes for a fist, but it's ducked under by Jason Cross goes for the BangKO. But Frankie Everhart is able to push him off, and he bounces off of the ropes. As he comes off of the ropes, Frankie Everhart lowers his head, and Jason Cross grabs his head, and he throws him hard into the mat. Frankie Everhart crashes hard into the mat. He slowly gets up to his feet holding his face. Frankie Everhart, turns towards Jason Cross, he hooks Frankie, and he hits a t-bone suplex that sends Frankie Everhart flying across the ring, and he gets up in the corner. Just as he he gets up to his feet. He runs, and he runs at the corner that Frankie Everhart is in the corner. He runs towards the corner, and Jason Cross leaps in the air, and he connects with a flying forearm shot. Jason Cross pulls Frankie out of the corner, and he brings him out of the corner, and he hits a short arm formarm shot to the face. Jason Cross goes to the outside of the ring, and he climbs up to the top rope on the nearest turnbuckle. Jason Cross waits as he steady's himself on the top rope. Frankie is up, Jason Cross leaps off, and he hits a flying clothesline tha tputs Frankie Everhart into the mat with a flying cltohesline. Jason Cross crawls into the cover. Jason Cross hooks the leg. The ref makes the count 1...........2.......KICK OUT by Frankie Everhart. Jason Cross doesn't argue with the ref. He picks up Frankie Everhart, he scoops him up, and he puts him down with a body slam. Jason Cross backs up into the corner, he comes out of the corner, and he drops the knea cross the face of Frankie Everhart. Everhart gets up in a seated position. He hits a kick into the chest that puts him down on the mat. Jason Cross goes to the apron, and think of his next move.]

JR-Jason Cross has been able to keep in control of Frankie Everhart.

King-Frankie is a shark...I guess Jason is a even bigger shark.

Kris Gaffney-Got nothing else?


[Frankie Everhart gets up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet Jason Cross once again goes for the Bangko, but this time Frankie Everhart counters with a reverse neck breaker. Jason Cross goes down on the mat holding his neck. Slowly Jason Cross gets up to his feet stunned. Jason Cross turns towards Frankie Everhart. Frankie Everhart runs towards Jason Cross, and he hits a running ezuguri to the side of the head. Jason Cross crumples down on the mat. Frankie Everhart takes a few moments to rest up, and he watches as Jason Cross is geting up. Cross back is turned towards him. Frankie Everhart jumps in the air, and he hits a drop kick into the back. Jason Cross goes flying, and Frankie Everhart pushes down on his back. The ref counts to 4, and Frankie Everhart backs up, he just wanted to make sure that he holds him down enough to do the next move. Frankie Everhart runs to the ropes, he comes off of the ropes. He leaps in the air, and he comes down on the back of Jason Cross. Cross falls down on the mat.]

JR-Frankie Everhart took advantage of Jason Cross attempting to end this match earily.

King-Now he'll have a chance to end it early.

Kris Gaffney-Again...it's not hypocritical to be a hypocrite anymore.

[Frankie Everhart waits as Jason Cross stumbles towards him. Frankie Everhart picks him up, and drops him for a slam on the on Jason Cross. Frankie Everhart goes up to the top rope, and he goes for a move, what we will never know because Cross gets up his boot. Frankie is stunned. Jason hits the BangKO on Frankie! Frankie seems out. Cross goes into the cover on Frankie. The ref counts 1...........2........3!!]

JR-Frankie tried to take a chance, and it cost him.

("I am The Fire" blasts out over the PA System and Rachel Cena's usual voice over plays as she makes her way down to the ring.)

JR: I'm just hearing from the back that President Cena has made this match a 6 Woman tag match, and whoever scores the pin will go on to Latino Heat to challenge for the Women's Championship.

King: We have no idea who is in it, but I do know that it will be Trish Stratus's last chance at the title.

Kris: And we all know how much Rachel Cena will give to stop Trish getting it.

(The arena is silent for a few moments and then the crowd pops huge as "Obsession" plays over the PA System and former champion Mickie James comes out for the first time in months.)

JR: We have't seen Mickie James since March, but she has a chance to get right back into the title picture.

King: She's one of the most successful Divas of all time, she'd be a dangerous challenger for sure.

Kris: I'm not sure if Rachel is happy or not to see her here.... she's real competition for the shot, even if they are partners.

("Light It Up" plays next and out comes AJ Lee to complete the team. She is accompanied to the ring by Maria Kanellis.)

JR: AJ Lee was the team captain at Survival of the Fittest, but has had to watch Trish, her team mate, have the last few tile opportunities.

King: AJ once wrestled a title match that lasted 2 months!

Kris: She was chained to Maria Kanellis.... there are worse things to endure.

("Keys to the City" plays next and out comes Trish Stratus as the first member of the other team.)

JR: As promised, Trish is here for one final shot.

King: She's going to need a good team around her....

Kris: And if she does, they might beat her to the shot.

("Million Dollar Theme" plays next and out comes Natasha Jones.)

JR: The former Mrs Cena would be looking to set up a match with her own daughter.

King: They faced off a little at Survival of the Fittest.... but didn't really come to blows.

Kris: That could all change if Natasha picks up a pin here....

("Turn it Up" plays as Bayley comes out as the final competitor.)

JR: Bayley has made no secret of the fact she'd love to be champion.

King: She's had some good showings, but never really gotten too close.

Kris: I'm sure she'd love one more go at the title against Laura.

(The bell sounds and we are underway with Bayley starting out the match against Mickie James. The two circle the ring for a bit and then hook up in the middle. Bayley opens up with a right hand to Mickie and knocks her back a little. This allows Bayley to follow up with a few more. Mickie returns fire and seems to be getting the better of her. Mickie whips Bayley across the ring and she comes back off the ropes and Mickie takes her down with a clothesline. Mickie goes over and climbs to the middle rope. As Bayley gets up, Mickie leaps and hits a headscissor on Bayley. Bayley stumbles to her feet and Mickie lands a suplex on her. She drops into a quick cover for 1...... kick out. Mickie picks Bayley up and throws her into the turnbuckle near her corner. She hits one knife edge chop to Bayley's breast area for good measure before making the tag to AJ Lee.)

JR: Mickie James doesn't seem to have lost a step.

King: Surprised she didn't have more fun with Bayley....

(AJ comes in and hammers away on Bayley until she falls to a seated position. She then begins to stomp away on Bayley and mocks her as she does. AJ steps away and shouts something over to one of Bayley's partners. This allows Bayley time to kip up and when AJ turns back Bayley blasts her with a forearm. AJ stumbles and then Bayley hits her with a one armed bulldog. Bayley goes over to her corner to make a tag but as she reaches out for Natasha Jones, Mickie James pulls her off the apron! Mickie unloads on Natasha who returns the blows but Mickie grabs hold of her and takes her down with an STO and then goes down and starts throwing fists at her. Natasha reverses the pressure and this continues. While Bayley is distracted, AJ Lee rolls her up and grabs the tights for 1....... 2......... kick out by Bayley! AJ bangs the mat in frustration and calls for the Shining Wizard. Mickie and Natasha are now on their feet and brawling to the back, leaving the match as a 2 on 2. AJ runs, looking for the Shining Wizard but Bayley catches her foot, spins AJ around, and then as she comes back, grabs AJ and nails the Bayley-to-Belly! Bayley hooks the leg, but Maria Kanellis gets up on the apron, distracting the referee by shaking her ass to prevent him from making the count. While this goes on, Rachel Cena enters the ring, picks up Bayley, kicks her in the midsection and plants her down with the Get Bent! She then heps AJ towards the corner to get a tag.)

JR: The self proclaimed First Lady of professional wrestling with a big assist there....

King: Nice choice of words....

Kris: AJ may want to reconsider making that tag though.... because Bayley looks out for Rachel to get the title shot.

(Maria hops down from the apron when suddenly she is blasted over the head with a Watermelon. We see Melonia Trump standing over her laughing wearing a "First Lady of Professional Wrestling" t-shirt. Maria is down and covered in Melon juice as Melonia leaves ringside. Rachel gets the tag in and doesn't seem bothered by this. She picks up Bayley but Bayley springs to life and hits some back elbows, catching Rachel off guard and backing her into the corner. Bayley hits some more back elbows in the corner before running and climbing the turnbuckle to allow herself to hit a hurricanrana, sending Rachel across the ring. She goes over and makes the tag to Trish Stratus. Trish enters the ring and walks right into a hard clothesline from Rachel. Rachel stomps away on Trish until Trish battles back to her feet. Rachel kicks Trish in the midsection but Trish grabs hold of her and hurls her hard out of the ring. Rachel hits the floor hard but her twin rolls out from under the ring. The referee spots this though. The twin slides into the ring and walks straight into a Chick Kick from Trish Stratus! Trish hooks the leg but behind her Rachel has slide into the ring and makes the tag to AJ Lee. The referee doesn't count and Trish leaps up looking angry when AJ grabs hold of her, rolls her up and the referee counts 1...... 2....... 3!)

JR: Wait... why did Rachel not just roll Trish up herself?

King: Something tells me this wasn't the perfect time for her to face Laura....

Kris: Rachel and her twin once again screw Trish out of any chance to get near the title though....

(AJ looks stunned and confused at Rachel tagging her in, while Rachel just smirks and leaves up the ramp. Suddenly Carmella slides into the ring with a steel chair, but Trish sees it coming. Trish blasts Carmella with a chick kick which sends her flying out of the ring and causes her to drop the chair. Trish grabs hold of the chair and AJ and Carmella leave. Then Trish, holding the chair, looks over, and notices Rachel's twin recovering in the ring. The crowd cheer and "YES!" chants break out as Trish considers attacking the twin that has ruined her last 2 attempts to get near the title. As Rachel's twin gets up, Trish blasts her hard over the head with the chair and she goes down like she's been shot. Trish then places the chair on the twin's ankle that was injured previously, and stomps down on it. The crowd are actually cheering her assault due to their dislike of Rachel. Suddenly the lights go out and when they come back on, Rachel is back in the ring, but Trish has rolled out to safety and half way up the ramp.)

JR: It looks like Rachel is going to say something....

King: The way that all went down, it feels like we have some big match coming up that needed building up.....

(Rachel takes a microphone and yells at Trish.)

Rachel: Nice work Trish! Attacking my poor defenseless twin. Attacking John Cena's daughter. You know..... John Cena who you're still in love with.... I'm sure he'll love that.

(Trish can be seen shouting that that isn't Cena's daughter, but Rachel just laughs.)

Rachel: Maybe you're right.... maybe you're wrong.... either way, she's my twin, and I will avenge her injury if you've caused one. AJ better enjoy her title shot. Latino Heat holds no interest to me. Me Vs Laura belongs at First Blood, and that is where I will be taking my title shot. My rematch. Book it. Rachel Vs Laura at First Blood. That is of course... assuming Laura overcomes AJ Lee. I don't think I'll need to do anything to ensure that happens. But even if AJ shocks the world.... Rachel Vs AJ is a fine match. Not the blockbuster that me Vs Laura would be... but it's infinitely better than anything involving a washed up Trish Stratus. How are you getting these opportunities Trish? Sleeping with my father again? Nah... you're not hot enough these days, having that baby really ruined you. You should just get your implants taken out, go brunette and fully give up on your looks. I'm sure Carmella would agree. You keep your hands full with her, and stay the fuck away from my title picture. This isn't 2004 anymore and you're not in my league. You know what.... when I win the championship at First Blood, I'll bring back my open challenge, and I hope you answer one of them. Not because you deserve a shot, but because it'll be like a night off for me. That.... and because I can get revenge for what you've done tonight. I know you better than you know yourself Trish. I worked with you in the Doll House and I know what makes you tick. I know how to get to you... if I need to. And don't forget.... I live with your son, and he fears me. Don't mess with me Trish, you'll regret it. And the same goes for everyone else in that locker room, especially whoever emerges with the title at Latino Heat.

(Rachel drops the microphone and her music plays as we go to commercial.)

(We go backstage into the office of EMF President John Cena. The door opens and in walks EMF Diva Tiffany.)

Cena: Ah Taryn, a pleasure as always.

Tiffany: How are you doing?

Cena: Well, you know. Same as always. I'm here dealing with wrestler complaints. Not all of them look like you, or it would be easier on the eye at least.

(Tiffany smirks a little, but she knew from experience that flirting wasn't going to work for her here. She needed to be direct, and tell him what she wanted.)

Tiffany: Well, I'm not here to complain, but I am here to ask for something.

Cena: Ask away. You know I'll help you if I can.

Tiffany: Well I don't know if you noticed.... but much like you, I have my own little First Blood streak going. Granted it isn't quite as successful.... but I've been involved in a Women's Championship match at First Blood for the last 5 years. You have to go back to 2011 and the greatness that was Christy Hemme Vs Sunny for the last time I wasn't involved.

Cena: I did know that, and it's impressive, even if you only extended the streak last year by trying to rob my daughter of the title after she'd just endured an iron woman match.

Tiffany: You would have done the same.... in my situation, and you know it.

Cena: Go on....

Tiffany: I don't want that streak to end just because Rachel has randomly selected First Blood for her rematch. I deliberately didn't come to you to be put in the match tonight because Latino Heat doesn't interest me either. I want to challenge Laura, AJ, Rachel.... whoever it may be.... at First Blood, and I want to walk out with the championship. I deserved a spot in that tag match tonight. Way more than Trish Stratus or AJ Lee. And you know that's true. You know how good I am. And what I will do to win that title. You know I've bust my ass 5 First Bloods in a row and I've delivered. Put me in the match John. Rachel has waited this long.... let her wait one more month and that way... you won't have to watch your two daughters destroy each other again, because I guarentee you I'll win the title, and defend it against Rachel.

Cena: Four out of five I'll give you.... you bust your ass and you put on some great matches. Last year.... I still don't like that. That streak should have ended then, if not for our own greed. But.... I have to consider as well that you have changed since then, and that Laura sees you as a friend once more. If she can forgive you... then so can I. We go way back after all. On the other hand... Rachel is entitled to a rematch, and I can't be seen to be playing favourites with my own daughters. If she wants her rematch at First Blood.... so be it.

Tiffany: Then make it a Triple Threat match. Put me in there. Give me a chance.

Cena: Taryn.... you know I can't do that. If I book that match and you win.... or you get pinned, it settles nothing, and my daughters keep warring. But I have an idea. A better idea. We have a Pay Per View to go between here and First Blood....

Tiffany: Perfect! Put me in the title match at Latino Heat and.....

Cena: I wasn't finished. Laura Vs AJ is set now. You should have entered the match if you wanted that spot. But there's another way in.... and I'm only doing this because you're a friend. At Latino Heat you will go one on one with Rachel.... and her title rematch will be on the line! You beat her... your streak continues, you get to face Laura or AJ and hell.... you could beat both my daughters at back to back Pay Per Views. But if you lose.... the streak ends this year. Hell, if you lose, you don't even get a spot in the Lock Box match. I don't want a repeat of last year after the title match. How does that sound?

Tiffany: It will have to do. I believe I can beat them John. I believe I can walk out as champion.

Cena: Well I wish you good luck. But Taryn.... if you do beat them, make sure you do it the right way. No more short cuts, no more cheating and definitely no more trying to get me to tip the scales for you. Your match with Rachel will be straight down the middle and if you win, I promise you I'll keep her from runing your title opportunity the same way she's ruined Trish's.

(Tiffany nods, and thanks her friend. The two of them hug before she leaves the office and we fade out.)

A countdown starts on the titantron. When the countdown finishes, "Rain Maker" (New Beginning in Osaka intro) starts playing through the arena speakers. When the "Go" is heard in the song, Russ Massel steps through the curtains. Massel stands still in the center of the stage crouched down, then pulling his hoodie down before continuing to make his way to the ring. When in the ring, he completely ignores his opponent as he brushes past them if they're already in the ring. Russ Massel goes up to the second turnbuckle to do "The Rainmaker" pose.

JR-Russ Massel has seemed unstoppable since coming back to the EMF.

King-I don't think he's faced anyone as talented as Massel though.

JR-Aleister is more than talented enough to be IC champion.

("Aleister Black's theme" blasts on the PA system. Aleister walks to the ring. )

King-As much as he wants it, he's going to have to find out whether or not he wants it more than Massel.

Kris Gaffney-Even then, it might not be enough.

King-You'd know all about that.

[Aleister Black and Russ Massel stand in the ring, they stare down each other, suddenly the bell rings. Aleister goes for a kick to the head. Russ Massel ducks under, and Aleister Black turns away from him. Russ Massel puts him into a waist lock. Russ Massel lifts him up, and he hits a german suplex that sends him flying across the ring, and he hits a high and tight on his upper shoulder. Aleister Black gets up to his feet. Russ Massel hooks Aleister Black, he takes him down with a belly to belly suplex. Russ Massel hooks Aleister Black for a pin. The ref counts 1................2...........KICK OUT by ALeister Black. Russ Massel gets up to his feet, and he rains down with a few stomps. Aleister Black reacting to everyone of them with pain, and he gets up to his feet. Once he gets up to his feet. Russ Massel hits a knife edge chop to the chest that echo's through out the arena. Russ Massel whips him ot the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes. Aleister Black comes off of the ropes, Russ Massel throws him in the air, and he hits a european upper cut that puts him down on the mat. Aleister Black falls down on the mat, and he rolls under the ropes. Russ Massel waits for him to get up to his feet. Massel charges at Aleister Black. Aleister Black hits a kick to the head that makes Russ Massel stumble backwards. Aleister Black goes into the nearest turnbuckle. He climbs up to the top rope, and he steady's himself, what he didn't see is that Russ Massel had gotten up, and Russ Massel runs up to the top rope, he runs up the top rope, and he hooks him, and drops him for the super belly to belly over head throw.]

JR-I guess if Aleister didn't like the first belly to belly, he's not a fan of the second one.

King-I think he knows JR.

Kris Gaffney-Just reminding everyone...

[Russ Massel calls for the end of the match. He hooks him for his finisher. Aleister Black stands up, and hits a back body drop that sends Russ Massel down on the mat. Russ Massel stumbles up to his feet. Aleister Black hits a kick to the gut that doubles over Russ Massel. He runs to the ropes, and he hits a swinging neck breaker. Aleister Black has to take sometime to rest up, and he watches as Russ Massel rolls into the corner. Russ Massel gets up into the corner. Aleister Black runs towards Russ Massel. He climbs up to the ropes, and he connects with a running knee to the jaw that you can hear the impact of the move Aleiter Black goes back down, and he grabs the hand of Russ Massel, he brings him in, and he connects with a kick to the side of the head that puts him down on the mat. Russ Massel goes down on the Aleister Black falls down to his knee, and he looks like he has his next move in mind as he slowly rises up to his feet.]

Kris Gaffney-Aleister Black seems to have plan in mind, I got a feeling that Russ Massel is not going to like it.

King-I'll hold you to that.

[As Aleister Black waits Russ Massel gets up to his feet. Aleister Black jumps off of the ropes, for the kick to the head known as the Black Mass. But Russ Massel ducks under. Aleister gets turned around, kicked in the gut, set up, lifted, and dropped for the Massel Judgment. Aleister seems out cold. Russ Massel goes into the cover on Aleister. The ref counts 1.............2..........3!!]

JR-Russ Massel with the great counter. He'll join Frankie Everhart to take on the IC champion Zack Ryder at the Pay Per View.

(Russ Massel celebrates as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air.)