EMF: Dark Horizon

(Copyright information is shown on the screen, and we go into a highlight reel of how all the matches came together. Once that ends, we go into an introduction screen that welcomes us to Dark Horizon 2013. Pyrotechnics blasts on the specially made stage for the PPV. Once they end, the lights turn on, and fans yell, and wave their signs. Some signs say “Can I bring a loud sign during Masters entrance?”, “I came to blog”, and “Double the Goat”.)

JR-Welcome to Dark Horizon, I’m good ol’ JR, Jim Ross, and I’m joined by Jerry “the King” Lawler, and Kris “KG” Gaffney.

King-We have a great show, headlined by the champions John Cena, and Amy Dumas put the belts on the line against the Rock, and Daniel Bryan.

Kris Gaffney-That’s not all…we also have Kevin Bourne putting the TV title in a tables match…because I’ve been paid off by Prez Mike to say that.

(“Close Your Eyes” blasts on the PA system as Christian walks to the ring doing his usual Hoodie Master entrance as he comes into the ring.)

JR-Christian has been an EMF veteran.

King-He thinks he’s a lot more successful than he really is.

Kris Gaffney-It wouldn’t be Christian, if he didn’t do that.

(“Swagga Like Us/The Fire rises” blasts on the PA system as Mike New walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Mike New has been looking for gold, to get a win this match would be a positive first step.

King-The Miz is known outside of the wrestling world, and Christian is the friend of John Cena, so good first step.

(“I Came To Play” blasts on the PA system as the Miz walks to the ring, and he walks to the ring.)

JR-The Miz on the other hand is looking to get a foot hold in the EMF.

King-Well, it only takes one match to get back on track.

Kris Gaffney-Then why did I never get back on track?!

King-Because you never won that one match.

[Mike New and the Miz are in the ring, and the two start to throw fists to their faces as Christian backs away from the scene as he doesn’t want to get involved in this fist fight. Mike New has the advantage, and the Miz pokes his eyes that makes him back off. The Miz measures up on Mike New, and he goes for what seems to be a bulldog, but Mike New is able to counter by pushing the Miz off. This sends him flying into the turnbuckle. Miz stumbles backwards, and Mike New hits quick release german suplex that turns the Miz inside out, and then he lands on his stomach. Christian see’s this as a chance to make his move, he slides into the ring and he waits as Mike New turns around as Christian is ready. New turns around, and Christian charges for a spear. But Mike New see’s this in time, and counters with a kick to the face that makes Christian stumble around in pain, and then Mike New waits for Christian who charges at Mike New, but Mike New counters with a hot shot that sends him flying into the top turnbuckle that sends him flying. He hits his head on the turnbuckle to hit a hot shot. Christian stumbles out of the corner with the help of the ropes, and Mike New measures up on Christian, and he hits a running clothesline over the top rope. Christian crashes on the mat, and Mike New gets pushed to the ropes by the recovered Miz, and the Miz goes for a roll up, but Mike New counters with a few back elbows which breaks up the cover, and Miz stumbles backwards, and Mike New hits a spear on the Miz. Mike New goes into the cover, and the ref counts the 1……….2…………KICK OUT by The Miz. Mike New measures up on the Miz, and he runs to the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. Christian hits a chair shot from inside of the ring, Mike New stumbles forward, and Christian slides into the ring, and he hits another chair shot that takes down Mike New, and the Miz gets up to his feet, and he hits a punch to the face of Christian. Chirsitian backs up. The Miz charges at Christian, and he goes for a splash, but Christian moves out of the way, and he hits a few fists to the face, and this stuns The Miz. Christian tries to whip the Miz into the corner. But the Miz charges into the corner, Christian ducks out of the ropes, and he hits a double boot to the face that makes stumble backwards. Christian climbs up to the top rope, and he waits for the Miz to get to where he is, and he jumps off of the top rope, and he hits a cross body block, and he goes into the cover, and the ref counts the 1……………2……………….KICK OUT by the Miz. Christian gets up to his feet, and he starts to clap as he waits for Miz to get up to his feet.]

JR-Christian is looking for the Kill Switch.

King-Isn’t it early?

Kris Gaffney-Well, it’s a triple threat, you can’t exactly take your time.

[Christian waits as the Miz gets up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet, Christian hooks the Miz, and turns him, but before he can drop him for the Kill Switch. But the Miz pushes Christian forward, and Mike New grabs the ropes, and he makes Christian fall out of the ring. Mike New grabs Christian, and drives him into the ring post. Mike New climbs up to the apron, but before he can do anything with this move. The Miz hits a baseball slide that takes out of the base of Mike New. Mike New falls down, and hits his face on the apron. Mike New is on his knee, and the Miz grabs him, and he throws him into the ring. Mike New is slow to get up to his feet as the Miz climbs up to the rope, and he waits for Mike New to turn around. Once he does, he leaps off, and he hits a double axe handle that knocks down Mike New. The Miz measures up, and he hits a low drop kick that knocks down the leg, and then he sets up the Miz, and then he hits a snap whiplash DDT. The Miz takes a few moments to rest up, and then once he gets up to his feet. He goes into the corner, and then he hits a few fists to the face in the corner. He then whips the Miz into the corner. The Miz measures up, and he hits his trademark clothesline in the corner, and the Miz gets up to his feet. Christian is getting on the apron, and the Miz knocks him down on the mat, and the Miz measures up on him for the Skull Crushing Finale. He waits for Mike New to get up to his feet, and he goes for his finisher, but New counters with a snapmare. The Miz gets up to his feet, and New charges at Miz, Miz counters with a drop toe hold that sends him flying into the rope. He bounces up, right into a inverted Russian leg sweep that sends him into the mat.]

JR-What a move by the Miz.

King-He didn’t get the move he wanted, but that could set up his finisher.

Kris Gaffney-If Edge did that move, he would have beaten Mike New already.

[The Miz waits for Mike New, New gets up to his feet, but Mike turns around and pokes the Miz in the eyes, Mike New throws him into the outside of the ring. Christian comes into the ring, and he hits Mike New with the chair shot on the back, Christian throws the chair away, he sets up Mike New, he turns it, and he hits the Kill Switch on Mike New. Christian gets up, but the Miz comes into the ring with the chair, and he smashes Christian on the back. The Miz throws Chrisitan out of the ring. Christian gets up on the apron. The Miz hits him with a few fists to the face, but one is countered with a hang man. The Miz stumbles back, right into the dazed Mike New who school boys the Miz, and the ref counts the 1………..2………3!]

JR-Mike New wins.

King-Talk about the right place, and the right time.

(Christian goes after New, but he rolls out of the ring. Christian isn’t looking happy even though he was dazed himself.)

("Light It Up" plays over the PA System, and AJ Lee skips out onto the ramp. The Intercontinental Champion Troy Gafgen follows her.)

JR: Troy has a big title match later with Chris Masters... but he's still making time to accompany AJ out for this one.

King: And so he should... he owes that title to AJ.

Kris: Seemingly he wants to return the favor and help AJ win gold... winning tonight would be a good way to get noticed.

("With Legs Like That" blasts out and the crowd cheer as Maria makes her return.)

JR: Maria has been gone for a while, but she's always been popular.

King: And why wouldn't she be... just look at her!

Kris: Not sure how smart it is to piss her new boss off on her first day back....

King: It's about the level of smart you'd expect from Maria...

(The bell sounds to get this one underway. Maria and AJ hook up in the middle of the ring. Maria grabs hold of AJ and irish whips her across the ring. AJ comes off the ropes and Maria takes her down with a clothesline. Maria stomps down on AJ and then lifts her to her feet. She hits AJ with a snapmere. She waits for AJ to stumble up and then throws her into the corner. AJ falls down into the seated position in the corner and then Maria runs at her and hits a bronco buster. She breaks up the move and AJ stumbles out of the corner and Maria hits her with a DDT. Maria goes into the cover for 1... 2.... kick out by AJ. Maria goes to lift her up again, but AJ rakes the eyes. Maria stumbles and AJ kicks her in the gut and then hits a suplex. AJ takes a moment to compose herself, and seemingly looks over at Troy for encouragement.)

JR: AJ Lee is inexperienced in the ring... and it's shown in the early going.

King: Maria is a tough opponent, being a former champion.

Kris: But AJ has the element of surprise... we really have no idea what she has up her sleeve.

(Maria climbs to her feet and AJ hammers away at her with hard right hands. AJ continues to hammer away and then Maria manages to block one shot, but AJ takes her down with a clothesline. Maria climbs to her feet and AJ rolls her up for 1.... 2.... kick out by Maria. AJ grabs Maria but Maria now hits a couple of right hands and then kicks AJ in the gut, and hits a suplex. Maria waits for AJ to stumble up, and then hits her with a spear. Maria goes into the cover for 1.... 2.... kick out by AJ. Maria gets back to her feet but Troy Gafgen is on the apron. Maria goes over and begins to yell at him and soon the referee goes over as well. While the referee and Maria are distracted, AJ removes one of the turnbuckle pads. They turn around and AJ throws Maria into the corner and she goes head first into the exposed turnbuckle. AJ rolls her up again for 1.... 2.... kick out.)

JR: AJ almost stealing one....

King: Maria is the last person who can afford to go around taking shots to the head.

Kris: Well.. she has less to lose.

(AJ looks angry that Maria kicked out. She picks her up again but Maria hits her with a couple of hard right hands and then kicks her in the gut. As AJ doubles over Maria nails the Beautiful Bulldog! Maria goes into the cover and the referee counts 1.... 2..... Kick out by AJ! Maria looks surprised to have her finisher kicked out of. She lifts AJ up but Aj whips Maria back towards the exposed turnbuckle. Maria is able to stop herself hitting it this time, but when she turns around, AJ grabs her and takes her down with a suplex. AJ goes over to Maria who shocks her with a roll up for 1.... 2..... Troy Gafgen pulls the referee from the ring, and knocks him down. It's unclear whether AJ kicked out in time or not, but Maria looks over angrily. Suddenly Troy rips his shirt off. He is wearing a referee shirt underneath. Maria looks confused and in the confusion AJ grabs her and applies the Black Widow submission hold. Maria cries out in pain and reaches for the ropes. Troy uses his foot, and pushes the rope out of the way so it's just beyond Maria's grasp, and this allows AJ to move Maria closer to the middle of the ring. AJ cranks up the pressure on the hold and eventually Maria taps out and Troy calls for the bell.)

JR: Well that surely doesn't count...

King: I don't know... AJ is the General Manager... I'm sure she'll make it legal somehow...

Kris: Poor Maria... not the way she would want to return....

(Troy raises AJ's arm and then she leaps into his arms and is hugging him. Troy puts her back down and they slide out of the ring together. They both turn back towards the ring to mock Maria as they head up the ramp. Maria just looks angry at what happened.)

(“Cult of Personality” blasts on the PA system as CM Punk walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the irng.)

JR-Punk won this chance by beating the Miz last week.

King-He’s looking to re-live the glory days of being world champion.

Kris Gaffney-And hanging around Ashley Massaro, even though they were a thing.

(“Ultimate Countdown” blasts on the PA system as Daniel Bryan walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This is the first of two matches.

King-Luckily the second one is a tag match.

Kris Gaffney-That might help…it might not.

(“Hero” blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks to the ring with the TV title, Prez Mike follows behind.)

JR-There has a been a lot of hype surrounding this man.

King-Yeah, Godwin lost his smile, and Bourne found it again!

Kris Gaffney-No one ever finds Godwin’s smile…

[Daniel Bryan and Kevin Bourne get in each others face, and CM Punk stand on the outside seeing how this pans out. Daniel Bryan and Kevin Bourne throw fists to their faces. Kevin Bourne is gaining the advantage, and Daniel Bryan is able to duck one of the fists, and then he hits a few knife edge chops to the chest that makes him back up. He then tries to whip him to the ropes, and does so. Daniel Bryan goes for a knee to the gut, but it’s countered by Kevin Bourne floating over, and then he takes down Daniel Bryan with a double leg take down, and he sets up Daniel Bryan, and he hits a catapault that sends Daniel Bryan flying into the corner. CM Punk turns around Kevin Bourne, and he goes for a high kick to the head, but Kevin Bourne is able to duck under, and CM Punk swings around, and Kevin Bourne hits a kick to the gut, and he sets up CM Punk, and he lifts him up with a vertical suplex, and he drops him down with a front slam that sends CM Punk into the mat. CM Punk stumbles up to his feet, and Kevin Bourne hits a standing drop kick that sends into the corner. Kevin Bourne hits a few kicks into the gut of CM Punk, the ref on the outside of the ring complains to Bourne, Bourne does what he says because he is acting like a good guy when he’s not anyways. He goes back into the corner, and he hits a fist to the face of CM Punk. Kevin Bourne turns to see that Daniel Bryan is still in the other side of the ring. Bourne whips CM Punk into the corner, and CM Punk hits Bryan with a body avalanche, both wrestlers stay in the corner, as Kevin Bourne measures up, and he charges at the two. Daniel Bryan pushes CM Punk towards Kevin Bourne, Bourne hits a clothesline, he turns right to Daniel Bryan goes for a kick, but it’s caught, and Daniel Bryan hits an ezuguri on the side of the head, Daniel Bryan measures up, on Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne gets kicked into the gut, and he sets him up, and he goes for a vertical suplex. But Kevin Bourne is able to shift his weight, and he turns around. Kevin Bourne pushes Daniel Bryan into the ropes, but Daniel Bryan is able to hit a reverse drop toe hold that sends Kevin Bourne into the second rope face first. Daniel Bryan backs up as Kevin Bourne is on his knee’s. Daniel Bryan hits a few kicks to the ribs. He backs up, and he goes for a kick to the head, and it connects with the side of the head. Daniel Bryan see’s CM Punk getting up on the apron after setting up a table, Daniel Bryan see’s a chance, he charges at CM Punk. And he knocks him off of the apron, but seemly he hit him too hard as he goes over the table. Daniel Bryan holds his head as he knows that he missed a big opportunity.]

JR-Daniel Bryan saw the TV title.

King-Guess he needs to know when to hold up.

Kris Gaffney-I’ll get Gambler on that…

[Daniel Bryan turns around, and Kevin Bourne goes some sort of move, but Daniel Bryan is able to counter this with a back body drop. Kevin Bourne lands on his feet saving himself, and his title reign, and Kevin Bourne gets hit with a kick to the side of the head by Daniel Bryan. Which stuns him. Daniel Bryan starts hitting fists to the face of Kevin Bourne which stuns him he holds on to the rope, and it looks like he might fall back into the table, Bourne seems to be one more punch away from going through the table. But CM Punk comes into the ring, and he hits a low blow on Daniel Bryan. Bourne falls on the apron, and he rolls on the floor trying to recover, CM Punk grabs Daniel Bryan and he throws him hard into the ring post. Daniel Bryan is in pain, and CM Punk takes a few moments to rest up, and Daniel Bryan gets out of the corner, and he charges at Daniel Bryan. But Daniel Bryan hits a back body drop that sends him over the top rope, and then Daniel Bryan turns around, and CM Punk hits a shoulder block that makes him back up into the ropes. CM Punk measures up, and he sling shots himself up to the top rope, and he hits a flying clothesline that connects. CM Punk waits for Daniel Bryan to get up to his feet, and he hits a swinging neck breaker that puts down Daniel Bryan. CM Punk measures up on Daniel Bryan who is getting up in the corner, and CM Punk hits a running knee to the face, he turns around, and he hits a running bulldog that plants Daniel Bryan into the mat.]

JR-CM Punk has taken control of this match.

King-But now he has to look for a table.

[CM Punk goes to the outside of the ring, and he grabs one of the tables, he slides it into the ring, and he tries to get back into the ring, but Daniel Bryan had gotten up, and he does like a mini hang man on the second rope which sends CM Punk down on the floor. CM Punk is stunned, Daniel Bryan measures up, and he runs to the ropes, and he leaps out of the ropes for a suicide dive. This takes Punk backwards, and he crushes the ref. The Ref goes down on his knee’s, but he’s not out, inside of the ring Daniel Bryan sets up the table in the corner, but Kevin Bourne comes from behind, and he hits Daniel Bryan’s head into the table (which doesn’t break it), and sets him up on the table. Kevin Bourne backs up, and he measures up on Daniel Bryan. Keivn Bourne charges at Daniel Bryan, but Daniel Bryan hits a low blow. Daniel Bryan backs up, charges, and he hits a running which breaks it!]

JR-Daniel Bryan has won!

King-….I don’t know JR

Kris Gaffney-The ref isn’t up!

[Daniel Bryan is celebrating like he won, while the camera focuses on Prez Mike who’s eyes get big, and he hits a elbow on the ref to keep the ref down, and the ref didn’t see that. Anyways Prez Mike pulls Kevin Bourne out of the wreckage. Daniel Bryan celebrates with the TV title. Kevin Bourne recovers, he comes from behind on Daniel Bryan, and he throws him hard into the ring post, and he falls out of the ring. CM Punk is on the apron. Bourne hits a running forearm that sends him flying off of the apron, and Punk lands in the table that was set up on the outside. The ref who was still down not knowing who stunned him again see’s this one! KEVIN BOURNE HAS WON THE MATCH (officially..other one was a fake out)]

JR-Damn it! Daniel Bryan should be the TV champion!

King-If the ref didn’t see it! It didn’t happen.

(Bourne needs some help getting out of ring side as Bryan is not looking happy.)

(“Masterpiece” blasts on the PA system as Chris Masters starts to pose, as he walks to the ring.)

JR-Chris Masters can be dominate when he wants to be.

King-But he’s more than likely going to want to lose to Mickie James.

Kris Gaffney-To be fair, it wasn’t a fair fight, she was much smarter than she was usually.

King-Guess she took Masters intro a bit literally.

(“Sandpaper” blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring, he looks back as AJ Lee skips out behind Troy. He gets into the ring.)

JR-After a few months of going for the World title, Troy’s going to defend the IC title again the Masterpeice.

King-He has a few good matches since then, this would probably help him bounce back.

[Chris Masters and Troy Gafgen face off, Troy Gafgen and Chris Masters throw fists to their face. Troy Gafgen is getting the advantage, Chris Masters hits a knee lift, and Chris Masters whips Troy Gafgen to the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes. Chris Masters lowers his head for a back body drop. But it’s countered with grabbing Chris Masters head, and he throws him down on the mat. Chris Masters is in pain, and Troy Gafgen waits as he gets up to his feet. Once he gets up to his feet, Troy Gafgen hits a running clothesline that knocks down, he waits as Chris Masters stumbles up to his feet. Chris Masters gets knocked down with a fist. Chris Masters gets up slower this time, and then Troy Gafgen picks up Chris Masters, and then he hits a body slam. With Chris Masters not getting up this time Troy Gafgen runs to the ropes, he bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen goes for a leg drop, but Chris Masters moves out of the way, and Troy Gafgen crashes down on the mat, Troy Gafgen is in pain, and Chris Masters takes this time to rest up, and both wrestlers get up to their feet. Once they do get up to their feet. Chris Masters charges at Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen see’s this coming, and he side steps Chris Masters. He whips him to the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes, Troy Gafgen hits a big boot that knocks down Masters. Chris Masters gets up in the corner, and he hits a few back shoulders into the gut on Masters. Troy Gafgen puts his boot on the throat of Chris Masters as the ref complains.]

JR-So far Troy Gafgen has taken the fight to Chris Masters.

King-Well he is the IC champion for a reason.

Kris Gaffney-But then again, if he doesn’t put this match away, he might not be the IC champion for long.

[Troy Gafgen backs out of the corner on the count of four, and he goes back on the attack. He hits a hard fist to the face, and then he whips him hard into the corner. He crashes into the corner, and he stumbles out of the corner, and Troy Gafgen charges at Chris Masters. Masters is able to use this move to grab his tights, and throws him hard into the turnbuckle. Masters waits as Troy Gafgen stumbles back towards him, and then Masters hits a quick kick to the gut, and he hits a DDT. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and the ref starts a standing ten count 1………….2………………3……….4……..both wrestlers start to fight up to their feet………5………..6……..7 Chris Masters gets up to his feet surprisely first, but it seems he’s more dazed as he should be. Troy Gafgen goes for a running big boot, but Chris Masters is able to duck under. Troy Gafgen turns around, and he hits a few fists to the face, and he hits him to the face, and this backs up. He tries to whip Troy Gafgen to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Chris Masters. Masters bounces off of the ropes. Troy lowers his head, and Chris Masters drops down, and he hits a fist to the face of Troy Gafgen. Chris Masters gets up to his feet, and once he does. Troy Gafgen throws a fist to the face, Masters blocks it, and then he hits a knee lift to the gut which stuns Troy. Masters tries to body slam Troy Gafgen. But Troy Gafgen is able to hit a few elbows to block it. Masters stumbles backwards, and Troy charges at Chris Masters. Masters hits a drop kick to the leg of Troy Gafgen Gafgen hits the second turnbuckle, and he gets up to his feet. Masters sets up Troy Gafgen, and he hits a belly to belly suplex. Masters goes into the cover on Troy Gafgen, the ref counts the 1…………….2…………..KICK OUT by Troy Gafgen.]

JR-Almost three.

King-Chris Masters is getting close to regaining the IC championship.

Kris Gaffney-Think that would make him live down the loss to Mickie James?


[Chris Masters makes the symbol for the Master lock. Troy Gafgen gets up to his feet, and Chris Masters goes for the Master lock. Troy blocks his hands, The two fight to try to get this hold on. Suddenly for some reason AJ Lee comes into the ring, and she skips around Troy and Masters, The two seem weirded out by this. AJ with the body’s of Troy, and Masters blocking it touches the back of Masters, this gives Troy Gafgen the chance to snapmare Masters. This sends Chris Masters flying. Masters gets up to his feet as AJ leaves the ring. He charges at Troy Gafgen, Troy counters with a small package out of no where that surprises Masters enough to get the 1…………….2………….3!]

JR-Troy wins!

King-I’d say confusing…but AJ’s was around, of course it was going to be like that.

(The Hell in a Cell is lowered around the ring as the Women's Championship match is about to get underway. "Walk, Idiot, Walk" by the Hives plays as Christy Hemme comes out onto the ramp, holding the Women's Championship.)

JR: Christy Hemme won that championship back at Unleashed... but it was at Return of an Era where she made history by merging the 2 championships together.

King: She was the last undisputed champion before the split... and the first one after it, but I don't think she's ever faced a challenge quite like tonight.

Kris: You have to wonder if she didn't get a nice new pink belt, would the BP want it so bad?

("Angel on my Shoulder" plays as Tiffany comes out onto the ramp.)

JR: John Cena made it crystal clear his daughter wouldn't be stepping inside the Cell for a 2nd time tonight.

King: I don't think Tiffany needs any help... she's on quite a roll of late.

Kris: But this is by far her biggest challenge.

("Million Dollar Theme" plays and Natasha Jones comes out as the 3rd and final competitor.)

JR: We've had 2 Hell in a Cells for divas in the past... and Natasha Jones was in both of them.

King: 2 of the low points of her career from what I know...

Kris: She has a chance to put it all right tonight.

(The three divas have all stepped inside the cell as the door is locked shut. The bell sounds and all 3 women circle the ring. Tiffany charges at Christy and Natasha just slides out of the ring. Tiffany trades blows with Christy and then throws her into the ropes. Christy bounces off the ropes and Tiffany then takes her down with a neckbreaker. Tiffany begins to stamp down on Christy, and then Christy is able to get to her feet. Tiffany wastes little time though in hitting some more right hands but Hemme is able to block one and fire back. Christy kicks her in the gut and then hits her with a DDT. Christy looks over at Natasha and then picks Tiffany up and hurls her into the turnbuckle. Tiffany falls into a seated position and then Hemme runs and hits her with a bronco buster! Natasha Jones gets up onto the ring apron as Christy stops the move. Christy runs over and charges at Natasha who pulls down the top rope but Christy isn't fooled and stops in her tracks. Natasha looks up and Christy hits a hard right hand which sends her flying off the apron. Christy turns around and Tiffany had been waiting for her and Tiffany hits an Ace Cutter on Christy! Tiffany goes into the cover for 1.... 2.... kick out.)

JR: We saw Tiffany use that move a few weeks ago on Natasha Jones.

King: It very nearly made her champion... before Natasha had even got involved.

Kris: It takes a lot more than that to beat Christy Hemme.

(Tiffany climbs to the top rope and begins to measure Christy for a diving crossbody, but Natasha Jones gets back on the apron. She grabs hold of Tiffany and hurls her hard off the top rope and into the wall of the cell. Natasha then positions herself on the top rope and as Christy gets to her feet Natasha jumps off and hits a double axe handle. Christy goes down hard and Natasha picks her up and hits some knife edge chops to Christy's breasts. After taking a few shots Christy is able to block one and then kicks Natasha in the gut and positions her for the Twist of Fate. Natasha elbows her off and throws Christy into the ropes. Christy bounces off the ropes and Natasha charges and hits a spear on Hemme! Natasha turns around and Tiffany hits her with a crossbody off the top rope into the cover for 1.... 2.... Natasha kicks out. Tiffany climbs to her feet and has to choose which of her downed opponents to target. She picks Natasha and stomps away with some hard shots. Christy Hemme gets to her feet behind Tiffany and then rolls her up for 1.... 2.... kick out. Tiffany climbs back to her feet but Christy kicks her in the gut and quickly nails the Twist of Fate! Christy covers Tiffany and the referee counts 1.... 2...... kick out!)

JR: The champion coming close to retaining the title there... but there's fight in Tiffany.

King: She much more than just a pretty face.

Kris: But is it enough to win in this environment?

(Christy gets back to her feet and stomps down on Tiffany some more, but Natasha Jones slides to the outside. Natasha goes under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. Christy doesn't notice and Natasha slides into the ring and measures her with the chair. She swings the chair but Hemme moves at the last second and Natasha ends up blasting Tiffany. Hemme quickly grabs Natasha and tries to irish whip her out of the ring but Natasha keeps hold of Hemme and reverses the whip and Hemme gets tangled up in the ring ropes. Natasha pulls Tiffany to her feet, kicks her in the gut and nails her with the Get Bent! Natasha goes into the cover for 1..... 2..... kick out! Natasha shrieks is discontent. She grabs hold of Tiffany's legs and then her breasts applying the submission known as Tit Panic! Tiffany cries out in pain and tries to move towards the ropes, even though there is no rope break. She gets to within inches of the ropes but then Natasha pulls her back into the middle of the ring. Tiffany has nowhere to go but suddenly Christy Hemme blasts Natasha across the back with the chair. Natasha breaks the hold and Tiffany crawls, holding her breasts in pain and is able to slide out to the floor. Natasha is still on her feet but Christy rolls her up and the referee counts 1.... 2..... kick out! Suddenly we see someone under the ring hand something to Tiffany.)

JR: Well we know Laura Cena is banned from this match....

King: But she has friends in low places,,,

Kris: I didn't see what was passed to her though.

(All is revealed as Tiffany heads over to the cell door and begins to unlock it. The other competitors don't notice this as they are busy trading shots. Tiffany leaves the door closed but unlocked and then watches the action in the ring while catching her breath. Natasha is hammering away on Hemme and hurls her hard into the ropes and Christy goes over them and lands on the ring apron. Natasha clotheslines Christy to the outside, where she is just barely able to stop herself colliding with the cell wall. Natasha comes out and Tiffany throws some punches at her but Nat throws back harder ones. She positions Tiffany against the cell door, and Tiffany plays possum a bit. Natasha measures her and goes for the spear but at the last second Tiffany sidesteps and Natasha spears the cell door, which swings open and she goes flying to the outside. Christy is distracted by this and it allows Tiffany to grab her and hurl her hard into the wall of the cell. Tiffany then clotheslines Christy against the wall too and Christy falls to the floor. Tiffany goes into the cover on the outside and the referee counts 1.... 2..... kick out by Hemme.)

JR: Good to know this is falls count anywhere....

King: It seems to change whenever it suits the match...

Kris: As with every wrestling rule.

(Tiffany grabs Christy again but Christy fights back with hard right hands. Christy kicks her in the gut and hits a suplex. She then picks Tiffany up and drags her towards the door and now all 3 women are outside the cell. Christy throws Tiffany hard into the wall of the cell and then begins trading blows with Natasha. Natasha wins the battle and then grabs Christy's head and bounces it off the wall of the cell. As Christy stumbles, Natasha measures her, and hits her with "Your Heart Won't Go On!" Christy goes down hard and Natasha covers and the referee counts 1... 2.... Tiffany saves the match at the last possible moment, although it looked like Christy kicked out anyway. Nat doesn't seem to realise this and she leaps up looking pissed at Tiffany. She charges at her and in desperation to avoid her Tiffany jumps up and begins to climb the cell. Natasha looks hesitant to give chase. Instead she picks Hemme back up and nails Christy with the Get Bent! She goes into the cover for 1.... 2..... KICK OUT at the last possible moment. Natasha can't believe it. She looks at Hemme and gets an evil look in her eye. She grabs hold of Hemme's legs as if to apply Tit Panic but Hemme kicks her away. Hemme climbs to her feet and begins firing rapid fists at Natasha while Tiffany watches from on top of the cell. Christy kicks her in the gut and looks for the twist of fate but Natasha is just about able to elbow her off and throw her into the cell. Natasha then decides to give chase and follow Tiffany to the top of the cell.)

JR: This never ends well for Natasha Jones...

King: I'm sure it's the last place she wanted to go.

Kris: Unless she wants to face her demons!

(Natasha reaches the top and her and Tiffany trade blows while Christy catches her breath at the bottom. Tiffany kicks Natasha in the gut and hits a suplex onto the steel roof of the cell. She seemingly knows this won't be enough and she picks her up and then nails a 2nd before covering for 1.... 2.... kick out. Tiffany looks angry and begins to stomp away at Natasha. She lifts Natasha back to her feet and looks for a 3rd suplex but Natasha lands on her feet. She spins Tiffany around, kicks her in the gut and looks for the Get Bent. This time it's Tiffany's turn to elbow her way out of a move. Tiffany then spins Natasha round and as Natasha turns back towards her Tiffany leaps into the air and looks for the Ace Cutter again. Natasha pushes her away but Tiffany goes flying and falls off the top of the cell, and crashes to the floor below. Christy Hemme had begun to climb to the top but stops three quarters of the way up to look over stunned as Tiffany lays there on the ground.)

JR: My God King! Shades of what happened to Stephanie McMahon... also at the hands of Natasha.

King: I'm not sure either was deliberate.....

Kris: I know Tiffany has worked as a stuntwoman... but that's still gotta hurt.

(Natasha hadn't noticed that Hemme was now on top of the cell, and instead Natasha was climbing back down. She reaches the bottom and just looks at Tiffany who still hasn't moved. Natasha looks around for Hemme and can't see her, so she goes into the cover on Tiffany. The referee look reluctant as he had been checking on Tiffany. Natasha yells at him to count. The referee goes down and counts 1..... 2............. NO! Just as the referees hand was coming down, Christy Hemme breaks up the pin by leaping off the cell and hitting an elbow drop on Natasha. All 3 women are down and look seriously hurt.)

JR: What heart from the champion! She has no other option... and she put her body on the line to keep the belt.

King: This has been one hell of a match JR... any one of these 3 deserves the title.

Kris: It's just a shame 2 of them will leave without it....

(Tiffany is still the most hurt of the 3 as Natasha and Christy begin to stir. They both try and get up using the barricade. Natasha is up first and then Hemme is and they begin to weakly trade punches. Natasha rakes the eyes and as Christy stumbles, Natasha throws her into the wall of the cell. Natasha drapes an arm over Tiffany and the referee counts 1..... 2.......... SOMEHOW Tiffany is able to just about roll a shoulder off the floor. Natasha looks stunned but there is barely any movement from Tiffany still. Natasha grabs her by the hair and pulls her to her feet. Natasha measures her for Your Heart Won't Go On. Natasha is just about to hit it when Christy grabs hold of Natasha and irish whips her back into the cell. Natasha turns around but Christy slams the door shut, and locks it. Natasha looks angry and starts banging on the door but it's no use. Christy then heads over to Tiffany, who is leaning against the barricade. Tiffany somehow actually throws a few fists at Hemme but they are weak. Tiffany continues to try and keep fighting and Christy looks almost apologetic as she grabs Tiffany and plants her with a Twist of fate. Natasha is still trapped in the cell as Hemme goes into the cover and the referee counts 1.... 2...... 3!)

JR: A great effort from all 3 competitors... but in the end Tiffany was let down by some serious bad luck.... and Natasha was just plain outsmarted by the champion.

King: Not to mention Christy would have lost if not for having enough heart to leap off the cell to save her title.

Kris: One hell of an effort from all 3... and I'm betting it's not the last we'll see of any of them in the title picture.

(Christy can barely stand as she is handed her title and she raises it into the air. Trainers rush down to check on Tiffany and to release Natasha from the cell as Hemme begins to limp her way back up the ramp.)

(“If You Smell” blasts on the PA system as The Rock, and Daniel Bryan walks to the ring along with Angelina Love.)

JR-This might be the Rock and Daniel Bryan’s time.

King-Keep in mind that Daniel Bryan has had one other match this night.

(LovePassionFuryEnery” blasts on the PA system as Amy Dumas runs out on the stage, she enters the ring. “Bad, Bad Man” blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring.)

JR-These have got to be the weirdest tag team champions ever.

King-And that’s saying something.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, we have had some weird one’s, haven’t we?

[The Rock and John Cena start in the middle of the ring, and they pace around the ring, and they lock up. The Rock pushes John Cena backwards, John Cena throws a fist to the face of the Rock, but the Rock blocks it, and then he hits a few fists to the face. John Cena stumbles backwards, and he tries to whip John Cena to the ropes, but it’s reversed, and the Rock lowers his head, John Cena hits a kick to the face that makes the Rock stumble around. John Cena grabs the Rock, and he hits a diving clothesline that makes the Rock fall on the mat. John Cena hits a few stomps on the downed Rock. The ref is complaining about Cena not giving him space, and finally Cena does, and the Rock is on his arms and knee’s, and then he hits a kick to the ribs that makes the Rock roll away from John Cena. The Rock crawls into the corner, and then once he gets up to his feet, The Rock is in the corner, John Cena closes the gap between him, and the Rock. But the Rock is able to counter with a few fists out of the corner, Cena does stumble backwards, and then John Cena answers back with a rake to the eyes. Cena looks over to Amy, Amy rolls her eyes, and then John Cena gets over it, and he attacks the Rock with a few fists to the face, and he sets up the Rock, and he hits a hip toss out of the corner, and he fly’s air, and he crashes into the mat. John Cena waits for the Rock to get up to his feet. John Cena hits a kick into the gut that doubles him over, and Cena runs to the ropes. He comes off the ropes, and he hits the throw back. John Cena backs up, and then he waits as the Rock stumbles up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet. John Cena picks up the Rock for the F-U. But the Rock slides out of the back of Cena. The Rock stumbles backwards, and Daniel Bryan makes a tag, the Rock turns around seemly like he wasn’t expecting that. But anyways, Cena tries to attack Daniel Bryan. Daniel Bryan counters with a shoulder block into the gut. John Cena stumbles back, and then Daniel Bryan charges at Cena. Cena side steps him, Daniel Bryan goes towards Amy. Amy counters this with a hang man. Amy Dumas gets up on the apron, and Cena mkes the tag to Amy while running his hands through her hair. Bryan tries to attack, but Cena throws him into the turnbuckle. Amy Dumas climbs up to the top rope, she waits as Daniel Bryan gets to where she wants him to, and then she hits the Litacanarana that sends Daniel Bryan down on the mat. Bryan gets up dazed, and Amy Dumas hits a standing drop kick that knocks down Daniel Bryan. Amy Dumas hits a few forearm shots to the face, and she tries to whip Daniel Bryan off of the ropes. But it’s reversed. He bounces off of the ropes, and Amy Dumas hits a leg scissors hurricanarana.]

JR-Amy is certainly holding her own.

King-Well, Bryan isn’t really towering over Amy.

Kris Gaffney-Sure that’s what Bryan wants to hear.

[Amy Dumas sets up as Daniel Bryan turns around, and he hits a kick to the gut of Daniel Bryan, and she goes for the reverse of fate. But Daniel Bryan twists out of it, and he is able to drive her down for an attempted No Lock, Amy rolls out of it, she gets up, and she hits a running ezuguri that connects. Amy kicks Bryan in the gut, and she hits a whiplash DDT. Amy goes into the cover, and she gets the 1…………..2………….KICK OUT by Daniel Bryan. Amy Dumas waits as Daniel Bryan gets up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet. Amy goes for the Reverse of Fates, but Daniel Bryan pushes Amy Dumas to the corner, and Daniel Bryan hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut of Amy Dumas. Daniel Bryan snapmares Amy by her hair, and then from that drives her down, and locks in the no lock. Amy screams in pain, suddenly Cena comes out of no where, and he blind sides Daniel Bryan. Which takes him down on the mat, Amy and Bryan are looking for a tag. Daniel Bryan is able to make the tag to the Rock, Amy dives, and makes the tag to John Cena. John Cena tries to get into the ring going through the ropes. The Rock hits a hard kick to the face that makes him fall on the apron. The Rock backs up as John Cena stumbles up to his feet. The Rock charges at the ropes, and he’s his momentum, and the ropes to sling shots John Cena into the ring. He crashes on the mat, and the Rock waits as John Cena gets up to his feet, and once he does get up to his feet. The Rock hits a few fists to the face that makes John Cena to the ropes. He backs to the ropes, and the Rock tries to whip him to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes. He ducks a clothesline by John Cena, and he continues to the other side of the ring. He bounces off on the other side of the ring. He comes off of the other side of the ring, and the Rock leaps in the air, and he comes down with a flying clotheslines, The Rock nips up, and he gets ready for a Rock Bottom. But John Cena elbows out of it, the Rock stumbles backwards, and Cena charges at the Rock. The Rock counters by side stepping John Cena, and throwing him shoulder first into the ring post, and then Cena falls out of the corner. Cena gets up to his feet, the Rock hits a few fists to the face, and he stops. He spits on his hand, and he hits a spit punch that rocks Cena in the corner. The Rock backs out of the corner. John Cena stumbles out of the corner, and he hits a kick to the gut, and he hits a DDT. The Rock goes into the cover on John Cena. The ref counts the 1…………2………..KICK OUT by John Cena.]

JR-Almost three there.

King-Think that Cena saw his excuse to be around Amy almost go out before his very eyes.

[The Rock gets up to his feet, and he waits as John Cena gets up to his feet, and once he gets up this feet. John Cena gets hit with the Rock Bottom. The Rock nips up, he sets up John Cena, slowly pulls his elbow pad off, and throws it to the crowd. He signals for the People’s Elbow. He runs to the ropes, he bounces off of the other side of the ring, and he bounces off of the ropes. Suddenly Daniel Bryan makes the tag, Rock looks surprised as Daniel Bryan and the Rock go face to face, The Rock more looks confused than angry. Bryan wants the glory to himself. Rock finally shakes his head, and goes to the outside of the ring. Daniel Bryan charges at Cena who is trying to pull himself up to his feet. Cena instinctly picks up Bryan, and he hits an F-U. Cena knocks the Rock off the apron, and he goes into the cover on Daniel Bryan. The ref counts the 1………..2……….3!]

JR-Cena and Dumas win.

King-Yeah, what happened at the end of the match?

Kris Gaffney-No idea.

(Cena and Amy celebrate their win, and The Rock is asking what the hell happened. Bryan gets up, and slaps the Rock in the face. The two start to come to blows as Dark Horizon goes off the air.)