

  • EMF Archives
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  • TAW Hall of Fame

    Name: N/A
    Character(s): Chris Benoit;
    Championship(s): World Heavy Weight (3);
    Most Noted For: 3 World Heavy Weight Championship reigns.
    Scott Mann's Words: In the words of many, Chris Benoit was the founding face of TAW. What can be his highest achievement? Well, being a three time world champion of TAW is that. Chris Benoit was a crippler of other wrestler's dreams while here in TAW as he was voted into the hall of fame with flying colors. This great native of Canada has yet to finish his book in TAW and will be back someday, just will he be in his top form when that time comes? We salute Chris Benoit's hard work and determination to be the best he could be in TAW and that is why he is the number one inductee to the hall of fame. Congratulations Mr. Benoit.'



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    Real Characters are copyright of World Wrestling Entertainment, or who ever else. We are making no money off it any name or whatever, the EMF is a FREE federation, so don't sue us!! All fake ones belong to their respective owners. The Extreme Measures Federation is copyrighted to Michael Walker since 1999. Design was made by Michael Walker, but with his permission, a general outline of the site's design was used off of Tony Ikeda's EMF site design! Tony Ikeda owns this domain, and is generously allowing us to be hosted on it. Our thanks goes out to him.